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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. Do we really think Demarco had himself written into the show? Haha kinda reminds me of Stephen King in the Dark Towers.
  2. According to the COD, there may have been brain trauma. Still young but at least he was able to leave behind a world changing legacy. I am glad the DBZ Kai is on the block and I have started rewatching Super now. Gonna go back and start over at DB when I am done with that!
  3. FUCK YAS LETS GO! Toonami haters BTFO haha This is pretty awesome though. Zom 100 is a decent show, there are parts that I definitely do not like haha but then again there are other things that i really like. This show is a good addition to the block. Fuck yeaaa!
  4. Not been feeling to well today. Feel feverish and all my joints are throbbing haha I am just going to watch the block on the sofa until I pass out. It hurts to even move, so I doubt I will make it my computer again but we shall see.
  5. Huh, nice. Well they have the new Dune part 1 on right. Seems fitting since part 2 comes out this Friday.
  6. When did they start playing movies early? Haha
  7. Alright guys, I know I was talking about wanting the block to go to dawn again, but I am getting tired haha gonna put on the West Coast airing and watch that on the sofa til I doze off. Good night, it was fun! Sweet dreams everyone!
  8. Fingers crossed they give us Kai as well and we go to 4AM or later? But they might just put something like that 15 minute R&M shit or something. IDC, I will be glad if it goes to 4AM though. NK numbers seem pretty good and the late night stuff does not seem to matter as much. Wish they would just play reruns of old stuff or just rerun the 12AM-3AM schedule from 3AM-6AM like they used to do back in the day sometimes. Doubt that will happen though haha
  9. I know I am so excited haha I can relive the times when I would stay up til dawn watching the block over a decade ago!
  10. The dub is really good but the Japanese VAs are not bad either!
  11. I am so glad to see the block going past 3AM. It ending at 230AM for a bit was sad. It is really starting to feel a little like older times!
  12. Do we know if this has aired or streams in Japan yet? Have not really looked into that.
  13. Sand Land gave me Fury Road vibes haha it was pretty good, a short read. I think it is only a volume or two at most.
  14. I like the orginal more but it has been so long since I have seen either that I really do not care and am just glad this is back on the block!
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