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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. I do not really think it terms of words a lot, but usually more in terms of images, concepts and patterns haha though, if I am trying to visualize actually talking I certainly can hear it in my head lmao
  2. I am just a fan of show don't tell. My favorite manga are ones where scenes or even entire chapters have barely any dialog. I think the constant monologueing is just from a lot of battle shonen, though I still enjoy a lot of it haha
  3. So according to the preview, it seems that he was saved by a traitor ninja?
  4. Each episode has me further believing that this is [as]'s best orginal. Studio EH or what ever they are called are nailing this!
  5. Yea I like the ED for this episode. Was pretty intense there at the end!
  6. I know I try to watch every few years but it has been a while for me. With Kai on the block I wanted to rewatch Super, but with Toriyama's passing I am going back to the beginning after I finish super.
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