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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. Dude. I really cannot remember the last time I was able to watch Toonami's east coast programming this late into the night. I wish they would just do this every Saturday instead of Futurama and King of the Hill. I love those shows but they get the rest of the week. It is not like [as] would be losing ratings by showing old anime and reruns at 4-6AM haha
  2. it is crazy that the gravity is so strong on Kai's planet consider it is tiny haha
  3. God damn Gohan was such a little bitch, I used to love going out and exploring on my own as little kid haha
  4. Lmao Gohan was such a wimp starting out. Just a tiny kid.. and Piccolo just leaves to fend for himself as a way to train him. I do love how Piccolo starts to form a bond with Gohan too!
  5. Piccolo showing up to team up with Goku brings back so many memories haha I love it.
  6. Raditz is an ass but I always liked him as a villain. Sucks he got killed off so fast haha
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