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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. This guy made a mistake by encouraging Buu to fight him.
  2. Wow, that was some old Toonami promo music.
  3. I'm honestly quite disappointed with myself since I confused this with the Super thread for the SECOND TIME in a span of two months...
  4. It honestly would be grand if Trunks defeats this guy.
  5. OF COURSE. Energy levels. Right.
  6. Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen a DBZ villain shed tears with such passion before.
  7. He uses his right hand way too much, if you catch my drift.
  8. Cheeseburger is the best pet in any game....ever.
  9. He might as well be a god.
  10. How convenient. Back-tracking on lore.
  11. Was posting in the wrong thread, and I'm sober tonight. Fuck it. I give up.
  12. Like a fucking garage door is going to stop the building from being blown away if things become too rough.
  13. I skipped last week. I guess I'll tune in this time.
  14. The name rings no bells, but all the same, it's sad to know he died at such a young age.
  15. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. I re-visit this title once every year.
  16. Most of the games I still play to this day are on different consoles. Damn.
  17. I can't remember D-Day because I didn't exist.
  18. None of them were creepy. Most were bitches, but one of them was the closest thing I can compare to an angel. And for the record, I don't believe angels exist.
  19. My exes did that enough.
  20. And have him critique me like he would a sandwich? Fuuuuck that.
  21. Go to your nearest emergency room.
  22. My mall doesn't get enough people for a riot to start.
  23. Click was his best film, but that ain't saying much.
  24. Gonna' sit the rest of the night out. Good night.
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