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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Doesn't matter. Confidence is a good quality to have. Being a worry wart...not so much. But I understand. She's his mom.
  2. I want to like his mom, but her lack of confidence is a serious killer.
  3. Robots are also being incorporated. This is so cool!
  4. So, wait. They aren't starting immediately with a tournament?
  5. LMFAO, Bakugo had no fucking tact.
  6. Apparently Todoroki is just another Bakugo? Nah. Maybe not.
  7. They all look like they're having fun, at least.
  8. "You just sound like an ass." Heeeeyyyy, he's speaking our minds!
  9. Lmfao, his lack of confidence is so deflating.
  10. If I had decided to tune in at 10:30 as always, I would have missed this.
  11. Back in the day I had a taste for very ripped women, so I think that was my answer. This was about four years ago, I believe.
  12. Gyaos


    I've only had sex once in my life and that was five years ago. It's still pretty dead.
  13. Didn't really know him aside from a few posts. The only time he replied to me, he said I had "a weird taste in women." This was back on the old boards that have long since died. I also remember people giving him a LOT of shit, but he never took it personally. That's an admirable trait in an individual, online or in real life. Unlike the Adult Swim boards though, he made a community that I come back to more often than when Adult Swim had its own message boards.
  14. Dio has always been one to boast too much, which is a very significant weakness.
  15. I can't even really enjoy this because I can't hear anything due to the damn neighbors.
  16. He needs to just beat Dio to a bloody pulp and not talk.
  17. Fucking neighbors are blaring music and it's 12:35 AM. Jesus Christ, this is getting old.
  18. It probably should have been obvious to me, but I didn't realize it until now.
  19. And that is Midoriya's destiny? To replace All Might?
  20. Everyone likes Ochako and Frog Girl. I really like Invisible Girl...
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