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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Damn, class was dismissed after just being told about the Sports Festival?
  2. Ayyyy, it's a preview of "Flashback" the Anime, Season 3!
  3. Aizawa never lets broken bones get into his way. He goes to teach his class!
  4. I'm curious to know if "Crazy Hands" will be the main antagonist of this season? Or if he'll be reserved for a later time.
  5. I would imagine a teacher or mentor of his. I'm not sure.
  6. I still need to see it, but the things I've heard about her give me hope that I will like her.
  7. ....This ain't a recap episode, right? I fucking hope not.
  8. Oh shit, they're in a simulation of some kind!
  9. All of the cracks being taken at Baba are too much.
  10. I have a feeling that this will be a two-parter.
  11. I don't remember the last time Krillin had this much attention placed on him in an episode.
  12. Those magazines have always been the way to Roshi's heart.
  13. 18 is the opposite of Chi Chi. She wants her husband to train.
  14. Ouch, 18. Ouch. Holy fuck.
  15. Chi Chi is correct. Krillin actually has a job.
  16. Padding that list of anime episodes and $$$ are the reason.
  17. Can't wait for the next arc to begin. The filler is becoming a bit old.
  18. Gyaos

    Area Codes

    Mine has changed a lot. Then again, I've been in the same area for most of my life so that probably doesn't matter.
  19. People think I look like I am still in high school, and I'm almost 27 years old. I understand how it feels.
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