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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I hope this isn't just a recap episode. Never mind, Mochi confirmed it.
  2. It's that time of the week again!
  3. I don't think that was a cat. They also paid someone to make bird sounds for that parakeet in the first season, too, now that I remember.
  4. I assumed that "The Dream of Italy" was a whore house, but I guess that's not the case.
  5. Lmfao, he's resisting the urge to shoot her!
  6. I like the story for this episode! Very clever use of situations and circumstances.
  7. He has a ski mask? Things are about to get even more interesting...
  8. Like an animated Liam Neeson...
  9. AND she went with them? The fuck.
  10. Okay, he's a family guy with family problems.
  11. Wow, this guy's a family man? I think that's sweet.
  12. An improvement from last week's episode, I guess. But this is a poor arc to follow after YorkNew City.
  13. Have they revealed Biscuit's intentions, or is she just another throwaway side character who will disappear after this arc?
  14. Apparently her last name is Why is everyone with that last name a complete asshole?
  15. In a way that made sense, at least. They were used to boost abilities and other neat stuff. The combat wasn't based on the use of cards, though.
  16. Gon: "What do we do about her?" Killua: "Just ignore the bitch."
  17. The Nen exposition was at least somewhat understandable, but I still have no fucking idea what is going on. All I get from this is: Nen can't be used to get cards.
  18. I think it's entertaining, but I at least knew the rules. I have ZERO CLUE what the rules for this game are.
  19. Imagine watching the episodes in this arc without any previous knowledge of the series's happenings. You'd think it was just another anime for selling trading cards.
  20. ....If I wanted to watch people battle with cards, I'd be watching fucking Yu-Gi-Oh!.
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