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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. LOL, WTF? I wish Labor Day weekend wasn't a thing, because the next episode is going to be interesting.
  2. Taking them out like they're chumps! >
  3. Holy shit, she has a tazer. I've been hit by one. It sucks.
  4. This exposition gives meaning to the title "Outlaw Star."
  5. If this really was Luuv's favorite anime, I can completely understand why. The quality of this anime rivals that of Cowboy Bebop...
  6. You know a show is entertaining when it's already at commercial break when you didn't expect it...
  7. "Why did I have to be born?" Because FAN SERVICE!
  8. Lost my shit when the gun fizzled out.
  9. Of course missiles do nothing to them.
  10. Pirates have arrived. Time for some fun!
  11. Naked cybernetic chick in a suitcase. Must be the mail order bride of the future.
  12. "A boy has the right to dream. We must remember that all men were once boys."
  13. I missed a few episodes. One due to Time Warner fucking up, and the other due to work. So I missed that one most likely.
  14. A Lupin III episode with no Lupin to be found? A bit weird, but I'm digging the approach so far.
  15. "This is a pinky swear. This is how we do it. In Japan." Part of me thinks this isn't true.
  16. OOOOKAAAAYYY. Antagonists (plural).
  17. He pretty much has to be. "Fear the bomber" was pressed pretty firmly two or three episodes ago.
  18. I guess this dweeb is the main antagonist of the Greed Island arc...
  19. "And we're going to battle this group....with playing cards!"
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