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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Only when I'm not wondering who, what, where, when, or how.
  2. I've forgotten the names of a lot the folks I used to talk with a lot honestly, which is kind of sad because there weren't even really that many to forget. Only one I can still remember anyway is arwell2. Wish they hadn't lied about archiving the old AS boards. If I had known they were just going to axe it all, I would have gone back and saved some stuff from some of the discussions on there before it was too late. Oh well.
  3. So no life, just a substance they can't explain how it go there if not from a lifeform. Eh, probably just came from a passing alien that decided to take a dump there is all. I mean... it happens. Even some aliens gotta go when they gotta go, and if you look at those swirling clouds... you can easily see how it could be mistaken for a galactic toilet bowl, so yep, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Prove me wrong astronerds! 👽
  4. Right Stuf definitely used to be better, in terms of price and packaging, but now prices are pretty similar I think, so just because Right Stuf has more reliable packaging to make sure stuff doesn't get damaged during shipment, I'd go with Right Stuf. I haven't bought much manga in some time though, so I admit I don't really know all that well how their pricing compares anymore. Also, I've never heard anyone complain about not getting what they ordered from them -- unless you're talking about stuff getting backordered or going out of print, which I know can happen from time to time especially with manga, but that kind of thing can happen with any place you order from. Their customer service anyway is pretty good. I've had some issues with them over the years, but nothing that they didn't make right in the end, and I've bought a ton of stuff from them. Amazon is perhaps slightly better in that regard now, but only because in my experience it's more or less automated when it comes to returns, so you don't have to deal with a CS person at all to make one with them.
  5. Why not? What the hell's wrong with it? Somebody needs to check its logic circuits. People have had their time. Make way for the robot revolution! Hmmm, although... I suppose everything it said there could still be looked at as being true if it were actually intending to preserve people by sticking everyone in some kind of Matrix and using people's bodies as living batteries, so woot! There's still hope.
  6. Hey! I'm only ten and a half billion. That's not so bad... is it?
  7. Phantom the Animation OVA 1 - 3
  8. Durarara!! x 2 31 - 36 + 19.5 OVA Eh, I gotta say I'm kinda disappointed with the way this wound up going. Seemed like everytime there was a conflict taking place some other character would inevitably butt in and stop there from being any real consequences, making it seem like it was all much ado about nothing . To put it another way, it felt like calling for a ride and having a nice scenic trip with some good conversation, but when the car stops and you step out, instead of being at your destination you find you're right back where you started from. It was still a pleasant journey, but I kinda doubt I'll be looking to take it again anytime soon.
  9. Durarara!! x 2 25 - 30 First season of this I thought was pretty surprisingly straightforward, but I really like now how everything's gotten so much more... I'm not sure complicated is the right word, but maybe layered? It's not nice and neat, but more of a chaotic mish-mashing of character interactions going on. Makes it all feel more real and unpredictable, which I'm greatly enjoying.
  10. Maybe you don't, but there's about 1495 people who most certainly do. https://www.bestplaces.net/city/illinois/compromise
  11. I missed the beginning, but watched the rest along with most of the tribute special to him that followed it. Guy lived an amazing life that clearly touched a ton of people in such a short time. He'll be deeply missed.
  12. Dream About Observing Alligators To observe a resting crocodile within the water, it may be a signal for you to take on a new perspective on a situation. Dream About Defending Against Alligators or Crocodiles Dreaming about a alligator or crocodile chasing you, suggest that destructive emotions from the past is catching up to you. Perhaps you have been trying to ignore the hidden dangers of those emotions. When you run away while being chased by the alligator, it indicates that you do not want to confront your subconscious because they may be painful or disturbing. https://dream-meaning.net/animal/alligator-and-crocodile-dream-interpretation/ Oooh, sounds like somebody's got a deep dark secret. 😁
  13. Durarara!! x 2 13 - 24 + 13.5 OVA
  14. Durarara!! x 2 7 - 12 + 4.5 OVA Interesting twist... Oh, and that hot pot OVA episode was fun. I was about to complain there's been so many new characters being shoved into the story that it felt like they were neglecting the old ones, but it was nice to see more about how some of them met and what they were like when they were younger.
  15. Onward 9/10 (Wow, underwhelming trailer made me decide to skip this when it came out, but it was really good.) Birds of Prey 9/10 (Also a lot better than I was thinking this would be.
  16. Durarara!! x 2 1 - 6 So many new characters... it's makin my head spin a bit.
  17. Brahms The Boy II 3/10 (Pretty similar to the original without the fun twist at the end, so meh.) Bloodshot 6/10 (Great visuals, but story is just a redo basically of Universal Soldier.)
  18. Huh, cool. Glad they finally got something else new to the block. I'll skip watching it though cuz I bought the series and would rather wait till I get around to seeing it on blu-ray.
  19. I love spiders. Send 'em over to me. Plenty of cobwebs in my house for him to join.
  20. I think it's wrong to breathe, but you don't see that stopping me.
  21. How about going in a transparent public toilet like they have now in Japan. The glass is supposed to become frosted when you enter, but what if a naughty ghost were to mess with and cause a malfunction while you were inside and suddenly everyone could see you doing your business?
  22. Agents of Shield series finale Good send off. Story felt a bit messy, but I like to think that's just cuz they kinda said f' it all and decided to go for maximum fun with this last season as a wink and a nod to the fans. Hope this isn't the last we see of Marvel properties on the small screen for a long time.
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