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Everything posted by pail

  1. Do they have something against the right to self defense?
  2. The world is a scary place. Sorry.
  3. Sorce is right. I probably don't have anything they want anyway.
  4. Where the hell is this coming from?
  5. Surprisingly efficient way to reduce recoil.
  6. I still have power. I noticed that most of the surrounding neighborhoods are still without though. I noticed this after sitting in line for the McDonald's drive through because it was one of three restaurants open in the area, so I ended up passing by a lot of neighborhoods on my way home that were pitch black. Somehow more unnerving having power and being surrounded by those without. Now I understand why the NWO elite want to dumb down and eliminate the populace.
  7. Also, power just came back on. Hurrah.
  8. That's because you guys are probably only getting gusts of like 35mph winds.
  9. Happy birthday.
  10. I don't think the eye went over us. Even if it had that would have been like 4 in the morning. I didn't take any pictures last night. Too dark.
  11. Well Irmalive. Just woke up, power is still out. Curfew just got lifted thirty minutes ago but I haven't been outside to survey things yet.
  12. Hunkered down. Looters beware.
  13. Well there goes the wifi and cable. Peace out y'all gotta ration the 4Gs now. I'll come back if Spectrum can stop rubbing it's nipples long enough to send out a tech (prob not happening).
  14. This bitch is taking forever to get here. It's a little rainy and windy out but the storm is moving so slow. Probably means that when the heavier wind and rain does get here it's going to linger around and eventually power will go out. I predict a loss of power before midnight.
  15. More link Winter Stinks. Winter Park much nicer. Winter Springs is just another blended branch city built around 17/92.
  16. pail


    Sometimes my lower back hurts when I wake up. I'm either not sleeping right or need a new mattress.
  17. ? is kicking ? ass right now.
  18. pail


    I'm presentable when I need to be. Doesn't mean people will give me money to take my clothes off. Being presentable and being neurotic about every leg hair and ass pore are two completely separate topics.
  19. pail


    Oh right, how could I forget. I guess when you have a real job and have to constantly move heavy objects, work in areas without air conditioning, operate and maintain heavy machinery, manufacture goods and routinely drive home looking like you've been pushed into a pool and just want to eat a hamburger and go to bed you don't tend to have the time, energy or worry of what your ass is going to look like on 1080p resolution streams of fetishist degenerates.
  20. pail


    You sip wine and eat olives too, don't you.
  21. pail


    Thanks. Your double carbon footprints have left a trail for Irma to follow right to my front door. You monster.
  22. pail


    I exclusively take showers. Baths are disgusting. Do you enjoy sitting in a small pool of brine composed of the filth that's on you? I don't.
  23. B Dubs is pretty good. I'm more of a wine person though.
  24. I jacked off a couple hours ago, I'm good.
  25. I don't have a window fan.
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