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Everything posted by moose

  1. It's not enough. In the grand scheme of things, no one likes One Piece here. And that's fucking sad.
  2. I'm so jealous of the Japanese fans.... over there, One Piece is given the fucking respect it deserves. But over here it's joke. Something fucking replaced by garbage like TOKYO FUCKING GHOUL. And it's gonna do better than One Piece because American have shitty fucking anal gland-tastical fucking TASTES. I.... I can't get over this... I just can't. WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO NOW!?
  3. This optimism is FUCKING STUPID. The fucking show got cancelled after years and years of failure, its not coming back. Fuck man, that hurts to type.
  4. Jman I swear to fucking god....
  5. If OP had to be canned, ALL the long runners should have been canned. This fucking sucks.
  7. Seriously, like...stop this shit man. This is fucking serious. This tells me no one in this shit-hole of a nation likes One Piece. That fact fucking kills me inside.
  8. I'm pretty sure this was the last straw (hat). If it can't even be worth keeping at 2:30am, where it doesn't need to preform pretty much at all, there's there's like zero chances for them to bring back a show no one cares about. This hurts me to type it. THIS FUCKING HURTS ME.
  9. I'm in tears right now. And I would beg them to leave One Piece on. Literally beg them on my fucking knees.
  10. That's not fuckng making me feel better Jman. Fuck man. Fuck fuck FUUUUUUUUCK.
  11. But all those series ENDED. They had no more episodes to air! One Piece has plenty! This is just another slap to OP's standing in the US. And I hate that with every goddamn fucking fiber of my being.
  12. No it's not fucking funny. None of this is fucking funny. One Piece was just canceled. My favorite show was just canceled. And I'm just supposed to laugh at that? Fuck me, right? Fuck what I want. Fuck the shows I like. Who gives a shit, right? See it's already fucking happening. I feel like absolute SHIT right now, but all people want to do is mock me and mock that OP was cancelled. This will be how it will be for the rest of the time now. Jman will continue to drive this into my face for the rest of my life. Why the fuck is this fucking happening?!!??
  13. THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT MAN. And the worst thing about it is that no one will console me during my time of grief and I'll now have to deal with assholes throwing shit at me about OP being a overwhelming failure . Fuck man. I... I... I really need some good OP news right now. Or... just anything.
  14. Get rid of the other long runners! Then I'll be 100% ok with this. The fact that it's only One Piece is fucking BULLSHIT.
  15. And risk killing someone? Sounds like a good idea. I do need to release some steam. Lmao let's not kid ourselves. With how mad I am right now the carnage will never stop. I just don't even give a fuck about my future anymore.
  16. I'm not mad at Toonami. They tried their best. No. IM MAD AT THIS GODDAMN COUNTRY.
  17. I BET YOUR FUCKING HAPPY JMAN. You must fuckingfeel so proud. You got your wish. And fuck me, right? Fuck what I want. I'm an American OP fan. I don't deserve to be happy.
  18. I'm... I'm going into depression. I really am. This is it. I.... no I can't believe this. Please don't let this be real... PLEASE DONT LET THIS BE REAL, OH LORRRRD. No... I can't accept this... I... I can't.... no one cares about my favorite show in America.... no one cares... fuck man. It sucks being a OP fan on America. This cements it. I can't deal with this. I'm so heartbroken right now and I'm still so shocked I can't even believe it's real... but it is... it is. FUCKING NARUTO GETS TO STAY ONCE FUCKING AGAIN AND OP HAS TO LEAVE. You have no idea how much that fills me with rage. No fucking idea. I... I.... I need to.... I-I can't right now...
  19. Only difference is OP is still almost as popular as it's ever been in Japan, while the Simpsons has lost popularity in America. Plus there's the manga aspect that the Simpsons doesn't have.
  20. Well yeah, obviously, it isn't a story that can be said is fast, but it is always moving albeit slowly. Although I'm talking more about the anime being a lackluster adaptation of the manga at this point. I honestly have almost no problems with the manga itself. That stays improving.
  21. Ok. It's no secret the One Piece anime has been pretty lackluster in recent years. Even though it has excellent source material to go by, the main problem is that it's just way too slow. 1 chapter per episode, even tho OP chapters are particularly meaty (this would never work for Bleach), just isn't ideal and lately they've even opted to go even LESS than a chapter. The problem is the anime is wayyyyyy too close to the manga (less than 30 chapters away) and Oda is now required to take a week off every four weeks, meaning only 3 chapters of OP a typical week, as opposed to 4. So with that being a thing, the anime is even more likely to catch up with the manga. Of course... everyone wants Toei to just turn One Piece seasonal or do what Fairy Tail and GinTama do and take breaks off the air once they catch up to the source material. The thing is those two series aren't nearly as successful as One Piece is, so they can afford to take breaks... the corporate suits behind the OP anime will not allow it to take a break of ANY kind. So it literally just keeps chugging episodes. Some people, being desperate, are BEGGING for a long-enough filler arc... just so the canon material would be properly paced. I guess you can say Naruto does this, but the filler runs so rampant in that series it has glaring problems of it's own so I'm not sure that would fix anything. In any case, OP's anime refuses to do full-blown filler arcs anymore. The longest they last are 3-4 episodes. They rather just pad the canon stuff to death. So yeah... I feel like the anime is stuck in a rut. It's a shame because i'll always have a soft spot for the OP anime. It's how I was introduced to the series... I love the voice actors, the BGM and when it tries it can be amazing and improve on the manga stuff... but too often it just meddles in mediocrity and pacing issues are just becoming too much. This series deserves a much better anime, at this point. At the very least with Naruto, I couldnt really careless given the source-material went to shit. But with One Piece, it's as good as it's ever been. OP rarely has drastic quality drops and for a series that's been running for years upon years that is impressive. It's just a shame the anime can't share that notion. And that there's really nothing they can realistically do at this point to fix it. Later down the line I suppose a One Piece Kai or something can be made, but that's all I can think of.
  22. It kinda sucks, because i dug the old soundtracks for Kai and the original Budokai games... only to find out it was all plagiarized. Well, I still dig it. But that composer is a hack.
  23. I get it. Someone badmouthing your favorite show nonstop is annoying. But that was legitly the first time I ever expressed my opinion on DBSuper. His reaction makes it seem like I've been trashing it non-stop, like with how Jman does with One Piece... which is kinda the key difference. Just seemed kinda abrupt and random.
  24. I'd be all for moving One Piece and Naruto to weeknights, that way their slow pacing wouldn't be an issue.
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