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Everything posted by moose

  1. Holy FUCK ! That's gotta be the biggest drop for a show within Toonami so far since the block came back. Poor JoJo.... I'm not surprised though. Like I said, the show may just be WAYYYYYY too campy for the mainstreamers.
  2. Calm down, Ben. Are we sure that's what happened? We all know how Jump operates. You know a cancellation isn't above them and we know during its final years Bleach was usually at the bottom at the rankings. A cancellation isn't that farfetched and given how it finished, seems like the likely thing that happened. Anyway, if Kubo ended it like that then it doesn't really change anything since the ending was so lackluster. Which is the problem, but I guess if it really was because of his health (some proof of that being the reason would be great) then I guess I can't blame him. Either way, you should watch the video. Even if you don't agree with something it's really put together well and it's quite interesting.
  3. It's a shame, because the beginning still holds up for me. But even if the story was mangled, Naruto lasted it's entirety in the upper ranks even when it's story went to shit. So its not like bad story itself would push people away. It must have been something else.
  4. I'm sure this was passed around when Bleach got canceled, but I just saw it now and considered it a VERY interesting take on how far Bleach fell. So even if you saw it already, discussion about this is welcomed.
  5. Eh, once Thriller Bark hits, the 1 chapter = 1 episode ratio started. It basically stays like that the entire way through to where it currently is, so it doesn't really get any slower. Just doesn't get any faster.
  6. Did anyone feel spoiled by the FILM GOLD clip? Lol I wonder how theY took it.
  7. I guess you don't live exactly in that city then. Oh well. Just buy it on DVD then.
  8. But.... but I just showed you that it's closer than.... Bah, nevermind.
  9. Yeah just got that too. That's not bad. That's like, what, 35 mins away? I mean, I'd do it. I drive that almost every day anyhoo. Actually, just did the math, and it's be less than that if you keep a steady 45 miles per hour. More like 25-30 mins.
  10. Sigh.... just enter your zipcode and see for yourself. How far is the closest one. Be honest. Don't just replay "BOO HOO FAR!" because you want a damn pity party. I'm sure there's one at least 30 mins away from you.
  11. You're not listening. And you're being all gloom and doom while spreading false information that the movie isn't airing anywhere when in reality you just can't figure the locator right. Lmao. So if that's the case, don't you think you should have slowed down and figured it out instead of giving up so easily and crying that the movie won't be airing anywhere? C'mon, dude. Just putting your zipcode should suffice. That's it.
  12. For example, Houston has like 7 places showing it alone. San Antonio. 7 places. Austin. 4. Like, seriously, Texas is FULL of showings. I'm looking at the screen right now. Where do you live in Teas, because according to this map, I find it hard to believe you don't have a theater showing it near you somewhere.
  13. Oh my god... you're like a child. Use the damn map right. I just checked all those places and they all have a lot of showings.
  14. GODDAMMIT MAN. LISTEN TO ME. You're not using the locator right. Either put your zipcode or put your city/state. DO NOT ONLY PUT THE STATE, IT WONT WORK Alot of places are showing it in Texas.
  15. Sorry, not you Ben.
  16. Just checked. There's like 6 places showing Film Gold in or near Austin Texas alone. You have to put either the zipcode or the city/state for FUNi's map to work. For some reason it glitches up and only shows one city if you put only the state.
  17. Not true. You're not checking right. Go to FUNi's Film Gold page and use the theater locator. There's quite a few showings in texas.
  18. How's it lost in limbo? Because it airs late on Toonami? Which already airs late? You people... Sure, One Piece isn't DBZ or Naruto big. But it's doing well. The latest movie was brought over quickly and is even being given a limited theatrical release in the states with a surprising amount of theaters showing it. The DVDs have made it to the timeskip (over 500 episodes in) and have no intention to stop. DVDs are sold in stores like Walmart and Best Buy, which only sell the titles that actually sell. There's absolutely no reason to believe OP is failing or in "limbo" in the states anymore.
  19. FUNi would have picked up the license if 4Kids didnt, so thanking them is pointless - the show would have made itself over regardless... and in better form.
  20. Seems to be the case given their Toonami ratings vs how well they preform on Crunchyroll and HULU.
  21. It's a mindless show. No need to take it so personal and attack other shows. It's DBZ. Why take offense to it being mindless. That's arguably a reason people like it, you don't really need to devote much of... anything to get into it. You just watch it for the fights (well, the 'dude-bros' of the world, anyway). The other shonen took what DBZ did and built on it, so they do have a fair share more substance. It's true. So again. Don't see what's wrong with what he said. Plus, DBSuper is what's coming and that series is literally only a cow-milking machine, making it even more of a braindead affair than DBZ.
  22. I'm assuming you mean DBZ fans. And so? That doesn't prove it isn't "weaponzied dumb". Which is fine because I don't expect it to be anything else, but if we're comparing shows, DBZ is pretty much in the bottom of the barrel when it comes to thinking. So him saying that about DBZ and not OP is just fine.
  23. It's all fucking opinion anyway which is something you always fail to grasp.
  24. It provides more story, more world building, more lore, more drama, more (FUNNY) comedy, more actual character and pretty much more anything positive. All DBZ has is... fights. Pretty simple. Pretty braindead. Look OP isn't complicated either, but it's not nearly as "weaponzied dumb", as DBZ.
  25. Oh please. One Piece has more thought put into it than the entirety of Dragonball Z. I mean, I like DBZ, but make no mistake it's the simple-man's anime. It literally provides nothing but fights. That's pretty brain-dead. And yes, while you may not agree with what I'm about to say, OP at least provides more than that. And before you twist my words in your horrible attempt to be witty (you know you're gonna try) let me stop you right there by saying it provides more GOOD stuff. But feel free to respond in typical Jman fashion. I'll give the countdown... 3.... 2.... 1....
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