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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. You guys are less ruthless than expected.
  2. *Wipes tear from eye* This is so beautiful.
  3. Then you were the weakest doppelganger and must accept your fate.
  4. Ging probably knows that if Gon doesn't call him out for being a shitty person, then his friends will if they're with him.
  5. Yeah it was at this point where I really wished Gon would stop looking for his asshole dad and live happily with his friends instead.
  6. I'm torn between frame for murder or besties.
  7. Power finally came on in the middle of the night, but I've been charging my phone in the car. It was really something driving at night because there were so many dark homes with people sitting in running cars trying to get warm.
  8. Night 2 in this cold without power sucks donkey balls.
  9. Here's a crappy pic. There's more snow now, but I'm not letting out my warm air to take more pics. I do wonder if the sounds outside are someone stuck out on the road or an atv joyrider. Either way, *sigh*. Oh and it's really weird how light it is outside I guess because of the snow.
  10. We got this much snow in 2010, but I don't think the snow was this wet and heavy. Annnndd now the power is out. At least the house is still warm.
  11. That'll be a while because my phone needs to charge since the power is flickering. It looks like we might actually get a foot tonight, and all you can hear are trees cracking under the 8 inches we've already got. We're lucky that nothing big is near our house, but we're still staying out of the backyard just in case. Misaka, we have plenty of snow to share .
  12. It's over 4 inches where I'm at, and I was not expecting this much snow.
  13. Oh, I don't get hangovers and can irresponsibly drink all I want .
  14. Douchebag doctors are the worst. A doctor I was seeing when my stomach problems flared up prescribed me an 800mg dose script of ibuprofen for a separate issue, and after the first day of taking it, I wanted to murder the fucker. Also, I am so thankful that I won't be broke enough to resort to eating a Digornos pizza for a long ass time.
  15. Suggest some good shit.
  16. I liked Kekkaishi. It made me sad that we never got to see its true glory because that first arc was mainly the mangaka having their hands tied until the the story became popular and then was later given free rein to write whatever they wanted.
  17. If I have money, I go out for a delicious meal. If not, I'll cook something fattening at home.
  18. I have never tried any of these. I'm one of those heathens who drinks Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey Whiskey. Welcome back, Poof!
  19. Why don't you show us how you do it on your own board? Oh...wait......
  20. I like the adventure feeling of HxH and how that leads to different experiences like the Greed Island arc in the show. It also helps that I don't skip a bunch of episodes and be like, "Nothing ever happens in this arc".
  21. This cliffhanger in the first anime was so fucking painful because we had no idea when we would see who the person in the fog was.
  22. The boyfriend not being the killer was so obvious that I called him Red Herring throughout the film, and I can't remember if there was anyone in that movie I didn't want to die. That can be fun sometimes, but naw, this movie just pissed me off.
  23. While the ending was mishandled, the show as a whole had a nostalgic 90's cartoon vibe to it that I've missed.
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