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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Izumo said "Peanut!" Cute like a PEANUT!! But it damn sure sounded like "penis". I had to rewind just to be sure!!
  2. Guess we're getting something else January 4th?
  3. Stick a cream puff in it, turd!
  4. Somehow I didn't see them!
  5. Well, THAT was unexpected!
  6. I'll level with y'all, gonna have to wait for the marathon next week for some of this stuff to start making sense.
  7. Yeah, trying to squeeze it in at some point too. Too bad I got sick on opening day!
  8. Yeah, and MBrandon is MBack.
  9. Next week you strikethrough all your T's, right??
  10. EIGHT IS GREAT!! At Midnight tonight, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  11. What meatheadery will Mash manage to mimic magic in tonight's misadventure of magic and muscles? Find out tonight at Midnite y media, ONLY TOONAMI!
  12. Looks like Rewind is done, UNLESS it's moving to Saturdays. Checkered Past is down to an hour beginning Monday, December 30.
  13. Alright, west coast, it's your turn to unlock the magic of this silly Harry Potter/Black Clover fanfic!
  14. I don't think those toys were ever people. Sugar must have another power.
  15. She's trying to trick them. Conniving little bitch!
  16. See Mash work muscle magic tonight at 12:30, ONLY TOONAMI!! Enjoy the magic!!
  17. The epic-ish story continues... With a special music video of War of The Rohirrim! It all begins tonight (12/7/24) at Midnight, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  18. Hey, we got the full OP to kick off this marathon! That's actually pretty cool!
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