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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Finally checking this out--pretty good so far! And the author is probably more of a Harry Potter fan than Black Clover's.
  2. Well, it's on now for the West Coast, so better late than never!!
  3. Well, that was fun! Up next is Episode 23 of Season 6!
  4. 11/8/2014: DBZ Kai premieres on Toonami 11/8/2024: DBZ Kai airs on Toonami Rewind! And Goku just one-shotted Recoome, face down, ASS UP!
  5. Fortunately for ratings purposes, the election has pretty much already been settled (for better or for worse otherwise) except for a handful of House seats. Full IFG numbers: Invincible Fight Girl (P) (Adult Swim, 12:00 AM-12:31 AM, 31 min.) • 0.191 million viewers • 0.11 A18-49 rating (0.144 million adults 18-49) • 0.11 A25-54 rating (0.141 million adults 25-54) Invincible Fight Girl (Adult Swim, 12:31 AM-1:01 AM, 30 min.) • 0.148 million viewers • 0.08 A18-49 rating (0.112 million adults 18-49) • 0.09 A25-54 rating (0.108 million adults 25-54) Decent--hope the combo of it and Mashle keep this up!
  6. Yeah, I guess you might say he's got the Devil's luck?
  7. There are some scenes in this first episode that are really cool!
  8. So we go from people spontaneously turning into snails to people spontaneously combusting! This is much better!!
  9. Believe it or not, I'm watching SNL right now, because I can watch this later!!
  10. Finally, the Straw Hats have returned to Toonami! 1:30 AM tonight--Don't miss it!!
  11. Y'all decide! Fun fact: it's actually starting out EARLIER than its premiere! Unless you count Thundercats 2011, maybe, I believe that's a first!
  12. Sure, these are reruns, but with a promo like this, it almost looks new! Exorcize those demons again at 1 AM Saturday Nights beginning tomorrow (11/2) on Toonami!
  13. November has come...the fight is on! Midnight tomorrow night, and reairing at the bonus 2 AM hour as we say goodbye to DST! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  14. My ideal scheduling of Blue Exorcist: Nov. 2-30: Eps 1-5 (one/week) Dec. 7-21: Eps 6-8 (same) Jan. 4-25: Eps 9-12 (same) Feb. 1-22: Eps 13-16 (same) Mar. 1: Mardi Gras Blowout of Filler Eps 17-25 (Midnight-4:30 AM)! Mar. 8: Kyoto Arc begins, DST begins
  15. West coast, almost time for Episode 2!
  16. So what if I'm 2 hours late!?
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