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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. There was a guess that was half-right that the events of Episode 2 would be sort of a retelling of the events of Episode 1 from Shonari's (the rock guy's) perspective. Well, it was that and a bit more!
  2. Even if this is canonical, this is just silly! 😹
  3. Not only did your luck not run out, you've just been on a mathematically improbable winning streak! I guess we find out if his bet's a winner somehow--NEXT TIME!!
  4. Do they or do they!? What a weirdo! I wonder if all these toys are as uncertain about damn near everything!
  5. Where have we seen something like this before?
  6. Well, been a great night so far! And this is a dumb idea!
  7. Very well then, savvy. I shall make my post walk the plank down to the briny depths of Davy Jones' Locker! [happy talk like a pirate eve eve eve]
  8. Last week it was all about the little man. This week it's all about the rock man! Midnight tonight (9/16/23), ONLY TOONAMI!!
  9. What if anything? It's doubled-up and moving up to 12:30. If that's not "something", I don't know what is.
  10. Interesting, but that's actually 7 shows!
  11. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html?m=1 FLCL Grunge was the lone Toonami show in the Top 200 for the week, checking in at #199 with a 0.086 in 18-49 and 207K total viewers. AOT landed at #235 with 0.079 and 206K total viewers, suggesting but not confirming more TEENAGE viewers may have been watching that than FLCL. Naruto Shippuden also did decently, charting #257 with 0.077 and 188K.
  12. From what I can tell, the worst AOT Final Season Part 2 did is about 153K and a 0.07 in Adults 18-49. It also always placed in the Top 100, as its nadir was #97. In those days, 200K viewers had trouble staying with the block past 12:30, but last week over 200K stayed with it and AOT until 2 AM!
  13. Hey, not bad!! https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/09/tv-ratings-for-saturday-9th-september.html?m=1 AOT held FLCL's audience really well and all 3 premieres placed in the Top 40! I could be mistaken, but I believe we saw some AOT Final Season Part 2 premieres do worse!
  14. While we eagerly await numbers from today for FLCL: Grunge and the AOT special, let's get caught up... https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/09/tv-ratings-for-thursday-31st-august.html?m=1 MAWS mid-season finale #30 with a 0.09 and over 200K. Not bad for a premiere these days... https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/09/tv-ratings-for-friday-31st-august-2023.html?m=1 But the Venture Bros. movie did even better on its respective day by rank (#25) and total viewers, while seemingly tying it in 18-49... https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html?m=1 ...and just barely edged it out on the weekly chart to boot! https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html?m=1 BUT last Saturday, September 2nd, MAWS actually did MUCH better than both, scoring 238K total viewers and a 0.107 in Adults 18-49! Unfortunately, all the FLCL Alternative Marathon missed the cutoff of 0.099
  15. Check it out!! Appropriately it's One Piece, leading into the show's 12:30 takeover this weekend! Too bad it couldn't be AOT last week, I guess?
  16. Wow!! Toonami would still have to air the 2017 season to get caught up though! Maybe they'll pull a Made In Abyss and make it happen?
  17. We have a review on this special, from when the subtitled version came out over 6 months ago: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/attack-on-titan-final-season-the-final-chapters/episode-1/.195583 - 5 STARS!! But seriously, read the whole thing!
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