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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Huh huh huh, "hard", huh huh huh huh... ;D
  2. Drifters is pretty great, but even I no longer see the possibility of it coming to Toonami. The dub ironically uses too many subtitles!!
  3. I know I've come out saying Toonami would do well to air more shows with strong female leads, but Keijo!!!!!!!! is the obvious exception. It may be rather Kill la Kill-ish in that it involves strong female leads and ridiculously over-the-top fanservice, but the similarities end there. I really don't believe ladies would take to Keijo!!!!!!!! like they did to Kill la Kill! Using the butt as a weapon is less hilarious when it's an actual requirement. (But ONLY just a little bit).
  4. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! This week get your fill of a show Toonami hasn't touched since June: the broadcast dub Dimension W, aired on Toonami from 2/27/16 through 5/14/16! You can expect episodes 1-5 until Wednesday night at 6:30; then 6-10 should take over after Pre-Flight's first replay that evening (which starts at 6:30). And episodes 11 & 12 are also available on-demand so if you want you can finish the show in a week. So, spend Thanksgiving with a real turkey of a show, if you dare! ;D
  5. Jan. 3rd and 10th are Tuesdays. The new shows replacing Kai and Gundam would both start on the 7th!
  6. I don't see Double JoJo because it would start the Battle Tendencies arc with a 3 week gap before the next episode. Better to just conclude Phantom Blood in 2016 and start BT on 1/7/17. The most likely thing might actually be restoring Hunter × Hunter to 1 AM, Shippuden to 1:30, etc., and double Punchy to end the night, especially if Toonami gets 11:30 back on 1/7/17.
  7. Except for JoJo marathon on NYE, I can't take any of that crap seriously!
  8. Hey now, Gundam IBO is a political show, but this ain't the place to wax political without reference to Gundam. Please take it to another thread. That being said, Trump is kinda like Nobliss!
  9. Baron Zeppeli = Led Zeppelin Overdrive = Bachman Turner Overdrive That's all for now.
  10. "Gohan, you've got him backed into a corner! He's desperate! There's no telling what he might do! End this already!!" This from the guy who tossed him a Sensu Bean!!
  11. Keeping this idea going, and while I'm rather late, you've still got quite a few play-throughs before they take it down and replace it with the weekly marathon for Thanksgiving week at 8 AM tomorrow morning! 1. Dragonball Z Kai #91 - Get Angry, Gohan! Unleash Your Hidden Power! - TV-PGLV 2. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #2 - A Letter from the Past - TV-MAV 3. Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #19 - The Gravity of Wishes - TV-PGLV 4. Hunter x Hunter #25 - Can't See If You're Blind - TV-14V 5. Naruto Shippuden #132 - In Attendance, The Six Paths of Pain - TV-14V 6. One Piece #366 - You're Going Down, Absalom!! Nami's Lightning Attack of Friendship!! - TV-14D 7. One Punch Man #2 - The Lone Cyborg - TV-14LV Enjoy!!
  12. Right. I said both DBZ Kai and JoJo Phantom Blood will end on the 17th. But Gundam IBO will end on the 10th, and there's no way they'll start a new show on the 17th, or even Gundam IBO S2, so I'm calling CWCLV to get an encore that night at 1 AM.
  13. Puking your guts out with horrific results is a theme for tonight, as I just watched Cell cough up 18 and power down on the west coast feed, while on the east coast, Speed-O-Sound Sonic coughed up his balls!
  14. Here we go; the Sonic vs. Saitama battle!!
  15. Well, the thing about this is that now JoJo will get 9 episodes to air in 2016, finishing the Phantom Blood Arc, and DBZ Kai proper will also end on the 17th. I now believe the New Year's Eve-il Marathon will be a JoJo Marathon of the first 9 episodes extended to 4:30 AM. So now Gundam IBO S1 ends December 10th, so now what on the 17th? I had originally thought Children Who Chase Lost Voices might get a midnight rerun on Christmas Eve, but I now believe its fate may actually be 1 AM on December 17th, as Hunter x Hunter, Shippuden, One Piece, and One-Punch Man all take a 3-week break. I'm calling either DBZ Kai or Hunter x Hunter marathon on Christmas Eve and JoJo Phantom Blood marathon on New Year's Eve-il! We have seen now that they have the capability to expand Toonami to 4:30 for a special event, and the Phantom Blood arc of JoJo would indeed fit the bill, but the question is: is this expansion to 4:30 AM permanent for 2017, and if so, what would a 9-show Toonami look like? Even with DBZ Kai and/or Gundam IBO getting more seasons, we've still got room for 2-3 new shows, and I believe one of them will be Mob Psycho 100!
  16. OH HELL YEAH, Brook to the Rescue!!
  17. Wow, Blackbeard is gonna become a warlord!?
  18. Wow, the fog is clearing! Oars is SUCH a big oaf screw-up!
  19. Would that be a "crow-job?" Anyway, awesome scene from tonight:
  20. Holy crap, what do you know! I guessed it right!!!
  21. Wow, he really stabbed him!!
  22. Looks like we go back to present-day now!
  23. Let me guess--Madara was the first!?
  24. What the hell!? Itachi killed his own parents--OR DID HE!?
  25. He sounded about right to me as Simon in Gurren Lagann! Hell, he WAS Ben 10, so maybe THAT'S why they do it!?
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