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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. The Demon Slayers are in a battle with Upper 6 and her ridiculous OP ribbon of DOOM!! Witness the supernatural carnage tonight (2/17/24); 12:30 after a World Premiere episode of Ninja Kamui! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  2. Last time, Takina told Chisato show her her panties, and Chisato learned boxers aren't so bad after all! This week...??? [here's where the topical would go, but it seems the buttweasels didn't make one this week] 1 AM, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  3. Witness the next chapter in the intriguing, ultra violent revenge story! Tonight (2/17/24) at Midnight, only TOONAMI!!
  4. This thread is both dumb and gay.
  5. You sure you're not an ex-writer for Oz?
  6. My clearest-headed guess is that they're trying to create a Big 3 Block on Toonami in the time they have left with Shippuden. Maybe we'll even see the 2023 continuation of OG Naruto as a sort of coda! ...oh wait, they never happened. 🤦‍♂️
  7. Well, here you go! https://www.spoilertv.com/2024/02/tv-ratings-for-saturday-10th-february.html?m=1 1:30 and 2 AM down a bit in 18-49 though.
  8. I guess the Looney Tune scandal might be a decent topic. But I still get the feeling this belongs somewhere else, not in this folder.
  9. Best thing anyone has posted so far in this asinine abomination of a thread!
  10. And you assume we want to read this filth!? Enjoy your upside-down heart for Valentine's Day! 🫤
  11. Sorry, that was my bad for merging the 2 threads, trying not to keep some of the posts on mine from being banished to the shadow realm. Sincerely, I meant to keep yours, but somehow the opposite happened. Balls to this! Indeed!
  12. I actually did squares, and my numbers didn't come up!
  13. Must have been something off about them, or the ratings weren't good enough for 2:30. Why is it everytime they try a mech show, even if it's a repaint of a bona fide Toonami classic, it gets screwed like this? I guess the best we can hope for is it to return with Season 2 at 3 AM at some point down the line. As for this thread, maybe I'll try a merge instead of sending it to the shadow realm?
  14. You mean Season 7? You must be confusing R&M with MHA. BUT otherwise, yeah, I'd bet as much money as I lost on the Super Bowl on that happening!!
  15. F you for the disgusting mental picture, man! 🤢🤮🤬 I really should banish this disgusting thread to the shadow realm.
  16. Welp... While I was surprised to see this, can't say I'm all that thrilled either.
  17. I was half right. Steve Mammolo, whoever that is.
  18. If this show isn't bloodier than Hellsing Ultimate, it's at least the bloodiest thing Toonami has aired since Hellsing Ultimate! And digging the COLDRAIN ed!!!
  19. I've actually switched to the West Coast feed dub! 🤣
  20. Holy shit, that was brutal. And then the song comes back after the slaughter. 😭
  21. Even the subtitles have dubbed music! Isn't that Steve Conte?
  22. Weird watching the episode subtitled for the first time though!
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