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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Don't know why, but it sounds strangely familiar...
  2. And of course Joe Logan doesn't exist either!
  4. The Demon Slayers are in a battle with Upper 6 and her ridiculous OP ribbon of DOOM!! Witness the supernatural carnage tonight (2/17/24); 12:30 after a World Premiere episode of Ninja Kamui! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  5. Last time, Takina told Chisato show her her panties, and Chisato learned boxers aren't so bad after all! This week...??? [here's where the topical would go, but it seems the buttweasels didn't make one this week] 1 AM, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  6. Witness the next chapter in the intriguing, ultra violent revenge story! Tonight (2/17/24) at Midnight, only TOONAMI!!
  7. This thread is both dumb and gay.
  8. You sure you're not an ex-writer for Oz?
  9. My clearest-headed guess is that they're trying to create a Big 3 Block on Toonami in the time they have left with Shippuden. Maybe we'll even see the 2023 continuation of OG Naruto as a sort of coda! ...oh wait, they never happened. 🤦‍♂️
  10. Well, here you go! https://www.spoilertv.com/2024/02/tv-ratings-for-saturday-10th-february.html?m=1 1:30 and 2 AM down a bit in 18-49 though.
  11. I guess the Looney Tune scandal might be a decent topic. But I still get the feeling this belongs somewhere else, not in this folder.
  12. Best thing anyone has posted so far in this asinine abomination of a thread!
  13. And you assume we want to read this filth!? Enjoy your upside-down heart for Valentine's Day! 🫤
  14. Sorry, that was my bad for merging the 2 threads, trying not to keep some of the posts on mine from being banished to the shadow realm. Sincerely, I meant to keep yours, but somehow the opposite happened. Balls to this! Indeed!
  15. I actually did squares, and my numbers didn't come up!
  16. Must have been something off about them, or the ratings weren't good enough for 2:30. Why is it everytime they try a mech show, even if it's a repaint of a bona fide Toonami classic, it gets screwed like this? I guess the best we can hope for is it to return with Season 2 at 3 AM at some point down the line. As for this thread, maybe I'll try a merge instead of sending it to the shadow realm?
  17. You mean Season 7? You must be confusing R&M with MHA. BUT otherwise, yeah, I'd bet as much money as I lost on the Super Bowl on that happening!!
  18. F you for the disgusting mental picture, man! 🤢🤮🤬 I really should banish this disgusting thread to the shadow realm.
  19. Welp... While I was surprised to see this, can't say I'm all that thrilled either.
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