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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. EPISODE 15: ACT OF KINDNESS Rin fears his secret getting out.
  2. Drunken Wendee Lee is such a treat! But her warning to Rin was stern, and he ALMOST screwed it up!
  3. Didn't watch it, but I enjoy it. May play it tonight instead of Sailor Moon when it airs in the West.
  4. Fun fact: back in 2014, Blue Exorcist first premiered on this exact day of the year exactly 11 years ago. Now tonight in reruns, it will have the first and only scheduled double-header it may ever have, and even more mindbogglingly, in earlier timeslots than back then! Enjoy your double dose of the best son of Satan to ever be concocted in any media tonight! EPISODES 14 & 15, 12:30-1:30 AM TONIGHT ON TOONAMI!!
  5. The next chapter in Law's flashback unfolds tonight on Toonami as its sole premiere. Discuss it here, and weep for days long gone! Only Toonami!!
  6. Looks like we're back to the 2024 Toonami Rewind versions with Episode 5!
  7. We're in a tornado outbreak so the warning system keeps coming on for counties to my west and south and I keep missing stuff. These things are pretty much tracking due east.
  8. Last episode before weekly 2-fers! EPISODE 13: PROOF! NOW we learn Mephisto's game...
  9. Tonight's the night for FATE's cable TV debut!!
  10. I had to reread that for it to make any damn sense to me, but it DOES make sense. I don't think it will quite be 0 yet, but it will be a number in the single digits.
  11. Midnight Zero doesn't exist? Creepy...
  12. We are somehow back to the old tapes and no next-episode previews, huh?
  13. I remembered she gained an irrational hatred of frogs but I couldn't remember why...
  14. Whomever Ginyu was early in life, he didn't get out much!
  15. Wow, this might be the dumbest invention ever!!
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