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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Of all the things I expected from PRIMAL, I NEVER expected THIS!! 😲
  2. Rewatching its predecessor right now as aired Saturday night on Toonami to prepare myself...
  3. Tonight, in about 7.5 hours, we get to see the scene heard below in the video! Don't miss it!!
  4. Yeah, it was kinda cool, but I wasn't that impressed. Kinda sub-par for Smiling Friends actually, even though the joke DID kinda land at the end of the episode.
  5. The one-off Smiling Friends premiere made the Top 10, and 4 out of 5 of the Toonami premieres made the Top 50, with Yashahime checking in at a fairly decent #29: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-8-6-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Naruto Shippuden checked in at #59 with a 0.05 in 18-49 and 148K total viewers. It's a good thing for Toonami's ratings that the FBI investigation of Mar-A-Lago happened on a Monday; by Saturday the fervor may have died down and the news pop will likely be over. "On Adult Swim, the line-up performed as follows: SMILING FRIENDS at 0.13, PRIMAL at 0.11/275K compared to last week’s 0.10/238K, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.01 to 0.07, YASHAHIME up 0.01 to 0.09, ONE PIECE at 0.08/0.07 compared to last week’s 0.07/0.07, NARUTO down 0.02 to 0.05, SHENMUE down 0.01 to 0.05/ to 0.06/133K, and ATTACK ON TITAN down 0.01 to 0.04/121K."
  6. Back to the ratings, it's neat to see how Toonami shows do in comparison to other shows on other days of the week: https://www.spoilertv.com/2022/08/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-31st.html Here it is revealed that PRIMAL DID in fact beat Lupin last week, though not by much...
  7. Apparently, Takechiyo, though played by Ryan Bartley, is actually MALE!! 🦝 😲
  8. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/lupin-the-3rd-part-6/episode-14/.181545 4 Stars. AND THEN ANN stopped doing reviews. You're welcome!
  9. These proto-Vikings had kidnapped Mera and her Scorpion tattoo people.
  10. Well, here's why I suppose it COULD be: MAPPA, the same studio as Attack On Titan's 3-part final season. This season of PRIMAL has raised the bar for brutality to the point something like this could work. Then again, I suppose it really doesn't go too much further than the likes of Hellsing Ultimate and Akame ga Kill!!
  11. According to DirecTV, we're actually in Season 15 🙃🤷‍♂️ ...or at least we were. I switched to Spectrum now and I THINK that's what it says...
  12. French fartknocker! Luffy's gonna have to knock him on his ass!!
  13. I have a REALLY bad feeling about this...
  14. Setsuna, not Towa! I am really digging the extra effort they seem to be putting into these bumps all the same!
  15. FILLER HELL!! 2:30 AM Tonight, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  16. So we have a new episode of Smiling Friends tonight at 11:30? Discuss it here!!
  17. Episode #15: Wedding Bells With The Sound Of Gunfire Not a huge fan of this title. Oh well; check it out tonight at 1 AM on Toonami!
  18. Episode #26 (Second Act Episode 2): Demon Spirit Of The Sea Well, apparently Takechiyo doesn't turn to stone after being rolled dizzy, so maybe she's not that dangerous?? Find out tonight at 12:30 on Toonami!!
  19. "My big fat 90-day fiance from outer space" or something like that.
  20. Good news and bad news: Good: Shark Week couldn't knock Toonami out of the Top 50, as every premiere charted in the Top 50. Bad: total viewers pretty low, as Yashahime failed to hold PRIMAL... https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-7-30-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Ugly: On Patrol: Live just continues to gain strength! And Shark Week did pretty bad compared to how it used to be just a few years ago. "On Adult Swim, the line-up performed as follows: PRIMAL at 0.10/238K compared to last week’s 0.08/0.07, LUPIN THE 3RD up 0.01 to 0.08, YASHAHIME at 0.08, ONE PIECE steady at 0.07/0.07, NARUTO up 0.02 to 0.07, SHENMUE up 0.02 to 0.06/117K, and ATTACK ON TITAN up 0.03 to 0.05/115K." Well at least nothing on Toonami got under 100K unlike last week. But I do wish Yashahime could have held PRIMAL just a little bit better. I guess 80% of the 18-49s isn't too shabby though. And shockingly, LUPIN beat it in the overall key demo despite losing to it in other key demos and tying in total viewers!!
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