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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Die a slow and painful death as the spirals slowly drive you to complete and utter madness!! The witching hour plus about 30 tonight, ONLY TOONAMI
  2. Pretty sure NOBODY had THIS on their 2024 Bingo cards for November... ...and yes, that IS Blue Exorcist Season 1! Really strange look for Toonami, airing its premieres in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and technically to the block, the 7th time slot. Kinda hearkens back to 2020 or something when Mob Psycho 100 and later Fire Force ran reruns in the 3rd slot at 1 AM.
  3. 🤯 If you thought the lineup for Toonami was gonna be boring in November--THINK AGAIN!!! Unknown at this time which season of Blue Exorcist it's gonna be, but it's LIKELY going to be the new one! Edit: dammit, it's a rerun of the first season. I was hoping it would be something new to Toonami, but maybe if it's a mainstay, we get the new seasons in 2025? In the meantime, well, at least we're getting Mashle. Also, MHA slows to one episode, but this run would run out November 30th.
  4. Well, they said Season Finale, so I guess a second season is already in the works. Isn't that right, Fena, Blade Runner, and Shenmue? 😉🫠🤣 Ummm...yeah. "SEASON" finale. Sure, ya filthy write-offs! 🙄 Hopefully this drama-laced timey wimey mess follows in their footsteps!
  5. Tonight's the season finale, so that makes it a special night!! Midnight Tonight, on [as]!
  6. BUMP for English Dub premiere tonight!!
  7. Well OF COURSE I meant 18-49. Mostly old fogeys watching trump, probably. BTW, his antics have taken on a new level of stupidity lately, but I digress. It looks like he DID at least provide the slightly better numbers for 10/5 as well: https://programminginsider.com/saturday-ratings-mlb-division-series-begin-well-on-fox-sports-tbs-and-trutv/ Uzumaki (Jpn) (Adult Swim, 12:30 AM-1:07 AM, 37 min.) • 0.155 million viewers • 0.08 A18-49 rating (0.108 million adults 18-49) Demon Slayer (Adult Swim, 1:15 AM-1:45 AM, 30 min.) • 0.124 million viewers • 0.06 A18-49 rating (0.086 million adults 18-49) One Piece (Adult Swim, 1:45 AM-2:15 AM, 30 min.) • 0.123 million viewers • 0.07 A18-49 rating (0.094 million adults 18-49) There is a little new information we didn't see before, especially that Uzumaki subtitled broke 100K 18-49. Not too shabby in this day and age! If you wanna see 9/28, Toonami shows are on there, too: https://programminginsider.com/saturday-ratings-snl-season-premiere-on-nbc-hits-4-year-high/
  8. Son Of The Bronx came in clutch with an assortment of Saturday cable premiere ratings for October 12th, including Uzumaki Episode 3 (JPN), Demon Slayer, and One Piece. It's not good, but it is kinda impressive in terms of the shows they DID beat. For example, they handed the trump rally on newsmax its ass! https://programminginsider.com/saturday-ratings-ohio-state-oregon-on-nbc-platforms-deliver-largest-primetime-audience-for-regular-season-big-ten-game-in-16-years/ Uzumaki (Jpn) (Adult Swim, 12:30 AM-1:15 AM, 45 min.) • 0.129 million viewers • 0.06 A18-49 rating (0.075 million adults 18-49) Demon Slayer (Adult Swim, 1:15 AM-1:45 AM, 30 min.) • 0.116 million viewers • 0.05 A18-49 rating (0.062 million adults 18-49) One Piece (Adult Swim, 1:45 AM-2:15 AM, 30 min.) • 0.102 million viewers • 0.04 A18-49 rating (0.056 million adults 18-49)
  9. Did DBZ Kai on Rewind really go back 2 episodes at some point?
  10. I think the plan long-term might be to replace Kai with Daima on Saturday nights, since in the short term, they have replaced it with One Piece on October 19th: Personally, I don't feel there is any good reason to run Kai on both blocks. Hopefully they do Double One Piece on November 2nd, or, even better, pull IGPX REMASTERED out of hiatus at a half-decent timeslot with Season 2 at 1:30 AM?
  11. These guys annoy me! BTW, we only have 5 episodes to go until ANN reviews begin, and that will happen sometime in November or December!
  12. Welp... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba-swordsmith-village-arc/episode-10/.199090 3.5 stars from this hater feels like a winner!
  13. I actually DID laugh a few times while watching this twisted mess last night! The dude bouncing on the spring made me LOL! Sometimes this show feels less like true J-Horror and more like "Horror Comedy". 🤷‍♂️
  14. I think maybe next week we find out WHY KIRIE...
  15. We need Ghostbusters!!
  16. This is one creepy-ass show!
  17. I dunno--didn't look that bad to me!
  18. Well well WELL!! https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html?m=1#google_vignette Everything improved markedly in Uzumaki's 2nd week. Sure, we're down to 3 true premieres on Toonami, but it's good to see them all in the Top 400. Uzumaki even beat the Thursday English Dub premiere of R&MTA! https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html?m=1#google_vignette And the Japanese premiere of R&M even managed to make it on the Reruns chart. Uzumaki didn't lose much from it.
  19. The 1-hour premiere is an interesting development, since it implies an empty timeslot on November 9th. Hopefully that's gonna go to MHA S7. This weekend we're up to 14-15 of S6, which has 25 episodes. With 10 left, there are a number of ways they can get there. It's a foregone conclusion, with extra long episodes of R&MTA, Uzumaki, and Demon Slayer, the 19th only gets 2. So running 4 episodes each the 26th and November 2nd seems most logical. But since if both nights are expanded to 4 AM, and there is a bonus hour on 11/2, it might make more sense to run only 2 episodes on 10/26 and 6 on 11/2, especially because an Uzumaki marathon would be longer than 2 hours, and they probably still plan on running DBZ Kai. So, we'd have IFG, OP×2, and MHA×6 from 12-4 AM on 11/2, and then MHA S7 would start 11/9 at 12:30, probably with double One Piece afterward. Or, they COULD bring back IGPX REMASTERED for Season 2. That's ALSO an option!
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