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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Yeah, especially because we never thought we would be hearing him as InuYasha on Toonami in 2023! I mean, back when Final Act ended back in June 2015, whod'a thunk it?
  2. Well, we learned in Episode 2 of Season 1 that Reg DOES have a "real penis". So I guess he CAN get the job done, but that would confuse the hell out of poor Riko! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/made-in-abyss-the-golden-city-of-the-scorching-sun/episodes-9-10/.189460 I don't know what iDIOT said this season wasn't that good, because it's been straight-up quality so far! On to something with questionable quality but most of us still enjoy, Yashahime!
  3. I kinda thought he'd be the one entering her at one point--this is a shocking turn of events indeed!!
  4. You're missing out!! Something cataclysmic is about to happen...
  5. And I guess we'll see how this turns out next week! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-120/.191832 4 stars; great episode! On to Made In Abyss!!
  6. So I guess now Shigaraki can actually control his power better to where he only decays his target deliberately?
  7. ...as if a Grim Butterfly wasn't bad enough, we have to have "despair" in there too! 1 AM tomorrow night, January 28-29, 2023! Only Toonami!!
  8. Get your Hero on!! Midnight tomorrow night, January 28-29, 2023! Only Toonami!!
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