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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Theoretically, he would also be petrified by the gas, right?
  2. Damn, he just said the quiet part out loud!!
  3. Here we go!! "Caesar's Defeat"? Hell yeah I'm ready!
  4. Did this dub REALLY just substitute "-chan" for "-poo?" I think we've heard that before though! 💩
  5. Soma: "Peon? I ain't never pee on nobody. Not sure about you though!"
  6. He deserves to suffer the God Tongue curse and not be able to taste food anymore!
  7. Well of course. This is low-grade Ecchi at that.
  8. Good point. Lest we forget the cheap gags the foodgasms are!
  9. At least it's tame compared to the crap SAO tried to pull in Episode 10 of Alicization. That was borderline triggering!
  10. What the hell? That's an insane twist of fate!
  11. Mostly to watch Unicorn Warriors; I think she's leaving soon though.
  12. Thanks! I have company so I'm a bit busier tonight than normal. Still, I could have made the thread earlier.
  13. Well, looks like Episode 7 of Unicorn Warriors: Eternal may turn out to be 45 minutes long for some reason. As a result, most shows on Toonami will start either 15 minutes or 45 minutes after the hour, beginning with Episode 2 of Dr. Stone at 12:45. Toonami itself ends at 3:15 that night, temporarily expanding I believe for the second time this year. Sauce: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Nj14nv8kHd92T3QdZC3AGWkj29wxQEAUBrSUxv7N4zgvRiRjaUkgiJbMz5yvG3rfl&id=1440408039583372&mibextid=Nif5oz
  14. And there you have it!! https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html Unicorn: Warriors Eternal on Toonami checked in at #38 for the WEEK, the highest-charting Toonami rerun we've had in a while. That's also when I just happened to be watching it amongst all the other possible times. Primal made the list too, at #124, but unfortunately not MHA nor any other airings of UWE. It would be nice to see a show at 7 or 7:30 PM on [as] chart, but that may not happen for a while, and when it does, it might be King Of The Hill. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html Meanwhile, Toonami shows did very well in the Top Cable Shows of the week, with Food Wars leading the charge at #33, and it and One Piece even besting UWE's Thursday premiere.
  15. I believe Toonami's ability to expand beyond 12-3 hinges on availability of shows. Will they have a better shot at swiping a show from Crunchyroll or Hulu if they have better timeslots in which to air it? That remains to be seen. I only have one data point so far on the 7 PM hour running something other than KOTH, and so far, not so good. But a lot can change months from now.
  16. Umm, I wouldn't call [as] getting 6 PM "nothing".
  17. This announcement leaves me scratching my head. He referred to [as] as an "animated block", on CN, which is supposed to be AN ANIMATED NETWORK!! Not only that, but apparently since [as] is a "block" and not its own network, that means Toonami is now a "block within a block!?" 😵‍💫🤔
  18. I wouldn't be so sure of that. Toonami still did decently on 4/30 and 5/6 despite NBA Playoffs both nights, and if one of the teams can get to 4 wins early, 5/27 may not even be affected. American Dad is definitely doing the heavy lifting, though. It seems to provide a better lead-in to Toonami than Rick & Morty.
  19. Alright, time to see how ratings were last week, starting with UWE's Thursday premiere: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-thursday-5-11-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Not too bad, I guess. Beat Battlebots, but NBA crushes everything! As for Saturday, hey, not too shabby!! https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-5-13-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Good on ya, Food Wars!, for making the Top 20, and One Piece and Shippuden both also made the Top 30, which is quite uncommon. I am confident we'll see the Midnight Hour place in the Weekly Top 200 Reruns provided by SpoilerTV when that chart comes out. On that note, here's the week before last's Reruns Top 200 (5/1-5/7): https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html Only the first UWE on Toonami made it, checking in at #172 with a 0.105 in 18-49 and 208K total viewers. Don't know if that's such a victory when the American Dad hour that led into it claimed #21 and #22 with an average of 0.1595 in 18-49 and 283,500 total viewers, and this past weekend's lineup was fueled by 2 solid hours of Big Dad Energy...
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