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Everything posted by avec

  1. 😏
  2. Why wouldn't you? I mean, pickles are good for so many things.
  3. Ah, the old GWF BMMBWSCAB. Oh, I was hoping for an accidental acronym here 😂 *rolls tub to the corner
  4. I'm bracing for the rest of the corn jokes.
  5. Here's a special midwest gift.
  6. Do you only buy a particular brand of pickled eggs or try different ones? Ive been curious to try them.
  7. That's some impressive PS skills. Also, the third/middle pic. 😳
  8. Ohhh! I can't seem to remember the songs from those games. Do you have a favorite track?
  9. YOU HAVE EYEBALLS! That's exciting. Thank you 😎
  10. I'm teasing you.
  11. 😳 Are you a weeb? 😂
  12. I bet someone has some pictures. Just teasing. I don't enjoy having my picture taken in general.
  13. Thanks, I've been standing out here for like 5 days. Ready for the bath? *steps into barrel of pickles
  14. I started watching Fire Force then shelved it for a while - just was not doing anything for me. Glad I gave it a second chance because I am really intrigued at how this storyline will develop. The last couple episodes WOAH.
  15. Nice lower face area from a while ago. 😂
  16. https://somafm.com/player/#/now-playing/beatblender
  17. Oh shit *flips rapidly through delivery paperwork Checks out. TSK I just need you to sign for this giant barrel of pickles you ordered.
  18. Oh is there some sort of book of rules? A rule book per se? Just for tickles perhaps?
  19. Jokes on you I can turn that tickle sensation right tf off. *tickles you
  20. Or like literally putting your dick into a KFC drumstick like, "you ready"? 😂😂 This is just my brain without any drugs.
  21. 😏
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