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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. Hands, ears, inguinal crease.
  2. You look like Xerxes from 300 before he became the God King. You could be Persian.
  3. Ever since fasting, I've felt great, tbh. It doesn’t matter what you eat on OMAD.
  4. You can’t block me.
  5. “Crabs in your beard”
  6. Im into these pics.
  7. Why do you go after her weight when you are fat?
  8. Aw, cute
  9. Why are you always pointing out racism, but your humpty dumpty cocknomming ass is racist? Shit your fucking mouth, gingay.
  10. I took it twice. Male dominant and female dominant. Figured. The answers aren’t that great.
  11. It depends. I classify myself as a bigender switch. Around most females, i feel dominant, except for my girlfriend who is also bigender and only dominant. I’m naturally submissive with her in mannerism and persona. She recently got me an eternity collar. I’m very happy.
  12. I got the girl of my dreams.
  13. -waits for packard to make gas chamber riddle- -will also be satisfied with toaster oven riddle-
  14. I’m not southern at all. But don’t take the virgin digs so seriously.
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