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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. you have 3-D waifu?
  2. Because the mods still can't run the show properly.
  3. That sounds questionable.
  4. Just curious about your avatar, what is that giant panda doing to that little girl?
  5. *calls crisis services*
  6. Give that bird a super potion.
  7. Leeks can actually fair quite well providing they are shipped in proper packaging and in the allotted time frame, assuming weather conditions are optimal.
  8. Ok. Let me go see if I can find a mod or helper.
  9. Allright I'm coming over for dinner then.
  10. Buy a bunch of Leeks and lube. You can't go wrong.
  11. Do I need to get an adult?
  12. You can babysit my waifu while I'm at work.
  13. What the hell is a pansexual? Wait I don't wanna know...
  14. Well I'm glad you've finally found some value in living.
  15. congrats on the rank up.
  16. its nothing to worry about. I mean this thing might not blow its load for another hundred or even 500 years. Not to worried.
  17. congrats on the rank up!
  18. And there is a video camera on the end!
  19. take it to rants
  20. seriously thats so true^ just what the fuck is the point of a bed frame/head/foot board?
  21. I bet they really jumped at the big black one.
  22. and you forgot the beer again?
  23. You got into a staring contest with your pillow?
  24. We need a folder for the transgenders and bisexuals.
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