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Everything posted by Ric

  1. We'll play musical chairs!
  2. For teabags, with waifu. :fap:
  3. Why would you want to move there?
  4. YES! When? Sign me up. ::spin::
  5. You're disgusting pizza!
  6. Thanks bud! She's in good hands. ::spin::
  7. Lol yeah, I meant on a message board.
  8. Confusion never hurt anybody, oh well though not a big deal. Was just gonna change my name to Ricki to go along with the new look for a while and happened to notice it was gone.
  9. With Yooka-Laylee, Crash trilogy, and Mario Odyssey it should be a good year for platformers.
  10. Wut, like this stops people from making fun of them.
  11. Bitches love Switches, Zeni. Get that Switch and get that pussay.
  12. More like......Playstation fagboy! Oooooooooh taste that burn.
  13. Good to know, thanks for sharing.
  14. That's console launches for ya, but that's what warranties are for. Nintendo is usually better than that though, wonder if it was dropped.
  15. Whaddya get rid of that for?
  16. Super Mario 63 is about all I remember from there. Oh, and those stick figure games/videos.
  17. Ricki Lake is where it's at! O0
  18. I think Kudasai knows who Oprah is. He was giving Phillies shit for spelling it wrong.
  19. I get the feeling her talk show would be more like
  20. I don't think you really have one. You sound like a poor kid lying and bragging about having the hottest toy in elementary school when he doesn't have shit.
  21. It's definitely a bit undercooked. Apps like Netflix, Virtual Console, etc are not ready at launch. For most people the launch lineup is basically just Zelda(although Bomberman, Fast RMX, and Blaster Master Zero are some other games I'm getting), also it's weaker than other current gen consoles but I'm guessing you know that already. You can tell Nintendo really wanted to rush it out by the end of the fiscal year. However if you have the cash and really want to play Zelda(and don't have a Wii U of course) it's not likely that the console will be any cheaper in six months. I could see it maybe be bundled with 1,2 Switch by the holidays at best.
  22. San Andreas, Vice City, and Sleeping Dogs are my favorites.
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