I think there's a website where you can buy land on the moon already. Maybe they shut it down I don't remcall I think saw on a episode of Penn & Teller
I have only seen Trigun not the other one. I tried to watch Sword Gai the other day but soooo boring. Didn't even get past episode 1. I will probbly watch episode one but sounds like a skip.
I heard there was flooding was it a hurricane or just a big tropical storm? Sometimes the storms can be worse lots of rain not moving as fast so some areas get flooded.
What is the plot of the show? The preview I've seen is like robots with glowing numbers on their body or something? Or maybe I'm thinking a different show.
It is on Netflix and it look pretty but I have heard literally nothing about it. Looks like the guy is sad cuz his mom died or something and music student?