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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Dog hating piece of crap
  2. i barfed in my mouth a lil bit... sorry i like the art cakes but you ever actually eat one of those they use fondant for all the molds and it is just disgusting worst thing ever fondant just terrible
  3. 🍰🍰🍰
  4. No ur a sak
  5. I think they are highly overrateed I mean props to them for hustle and grind and all that but Maynard super pretentiois and full of himself imo kind of a dick
  6. Im not gonnna bother listenen to it never really a fan but I know people who are very disappointed with their latest album oh well
  7. Ew gross spam meat should neveer come out of a can yuck
  8. I never heard this Londong Broil what is a good cut I usually just have prime rib or T-bone
  9. Yes they have so much energy ugh I am old and tired dammit my bones hurt
  10. no men on the minnestoa viking
  11. I dont hate her I just dont understand why she barks at the door nonstop she has ben fed she has gone potty wtf more do you want from meee JFC
  12. Omg plz dog you have bbeen fed I took you outside you are taken care of just shut the fuck up and let me go to beeddddddd I dont want to have to smak uuuuuuuu 😩😩😩
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