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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Sometimes it'll ask me to place the item in the bagging area (if it's light like yogurt) so I just press down on the shit with my hand.
  2. I actually kind of prefer a regular register.
  3. Well they did finally get rid of the giant CRT TV tower that I have never seen turned on
  4. PLEASE WAIT FOR ASSISTANCE I have horrible luck with electronics, including these things. To a point that I completely broke one at Home Depot for buying about $6 in electrical supplies.
  5. So at local grocery chain called Stop & Shop up here in Fake England, their Self Service registers let the entirety of the tri-state area know every bit of what you are doing, especially when prompted to "FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PIN PAD." But today I grabbed lunch at Shaw's. Now, it was five after twelve, so it was deserted aside from one person. Keep in mind, all of these self checkout stations have motion detectors to let it know someone is approaching, and then asks you to scan your first item. Well, due to the little square of about ten registers being empty, as I walked in (and stayed close to the right), nine of them simultaneously bellowed out, "Welcome. Please scan your first item." It was like I walked through the gates of Grocery hell and was immediately dealt the final boss, a complicated army of self checkout machines, which only could communicate via their programmed phrases but they knew you were about to not place an item in the bagging area and they were going to light you ablaze with their lasers.
  6. Looks like just the pressure relief valve is leaking. Also that pipe coming from it is hella against code.
  7. It's still just as shitty
  8. Give it a couple days.... the same shit is headed to the east coast
  9. Random snap from my last Philly trip over New Years XD
  10. I forgot to see if there was a birthday thread when I popped back on earlier. Big thank, it’s great being 29 again
  11. MAKE ME
  12. I died
  13. Knock me bby
  14. Pretty much... but where they have cars, the Amish have smartphones lmao
  15. I had that happen to me one Christmas Eve when I worked in maintenance... I worked 30 miles from home but my dad lived 10 mins away... so I went to his place and hung out with my phone on loud until 5:30 when I went back to work to clock out and go home
  16. You're only 33?
  17. I was 13 in 03
  18. I'll have to schedule it accordingly.
  19. You made the cut :3
  20. That's what I'm talking about!! ❤️
  21. Yeah I was talking about 06 shit because that's when I joined and ended up typing that but I meant 03 and I have changed it to such. My bad. Enjoy that couch!
  22. Yes. You can remain clothed.
  23. I'm way too curious... OG board member making this type of thread. *big eyes*
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