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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. You seem pretty mad here
  3. Are we sure he didn't wait to post about the crash?
  4. Did he scoop that out of a septic tank?
  5. THEM ARE BAKED, NOT REFRIED Refried Beans are just the Mexican alternative to creamed corn
  6. I have split threads before because little assholes want to derail regular threads.
  7. I bet they are, considering they used to use Vics in their lineup.... parts cars galore! And you know, none of that dash cam footage has shown up yet... nor has Buddy's Vic...
  8. JUST NO
  9. NO
  10. This thread isn't DF material, and I can remove that which is.
  11. Probably. Assuming the Interceptor had a bull bar on it.... doesn't matter if they hit a strong ass Vic.
  12. What was that previous reply?
  13. This looks like something Azalar would have described about some kind of bodily function.
  14. Take it to Rants
  15. Is the Vic totaled?
  16. Laptop is quite different... I mean you could remove the keyboard and toss the whole thing in the dishwasher, it'll probably be fine... but you have to make 100% sure that fucker is dry before you put it back in
  17. I drove all the way to Delaware and back this weekend just to get a cold from my mom...
  18. I have popped off all the keys on a mechanical keyboard and ran it through the dishwasher... fully let it dry and it was mint again
  19. Yeah, I was glad I called out... especially since i left the jeep packed and loaded trailer hooked to it from my late trip home yesterday. Much better taking care of that in 55 degrees instead of last night's 16...
  20. Yes because I have a machine that does it for me. No mess
  21. I usually see a matte clear sealer put on it... like Drylok or whatever. Or just Flex Seal clear it and send it
  22. Built to last... even houses from the 50's use that mesh with plaster, over top of gypsum board... it's a nightmare
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