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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. WHO ARE YOU jk, henlo
  2. Ew, she looks like Zeni
  4. Actually yeah, I could use this in the background of tasks today. ❤️
  5. There is a Discord too.
  6. And yet here you are...
  7. Rogue_Alphonse


  8. I'm waiting on my PC build to get here... in the meantime I am looking at buying a flux core welder... boredom is burning a hole in my pocket
  9. Looks good, never had.
  10. Youtube is going great for him.
  11. I have reached my limit, but dammit.... it won't progress to suicidal vomiting. Here's to another normal day tomorrow.
  12. Actually it's Discord. Shame you can't be a part of it.
  13. I own cats but they are 380 miles away
  14. I broke Pat
  15. I'm gonna keep my '98 Grand Cherokee the way it is... I had plans to lift it 4.5" and do a whole bunch of crazy things to it, but I am going to end up buying my mom's 2014 Wrangler off of her next year, and that already is lifted 4.5 inches, regeared, etc... so that can be my daily driver/wheel rig and I can keep the Grand Cherokee a bit more civil.. which I will have given to my gf by then anyway XD It's like the purchase I made tonight... she will get more "full potential" use out of it than I will... until she gets her own. I haven't had a brand new PC since 2014... always got broken ones for free and made them nice for a couple years.
  16. I got a steal on my tires... normally about $700, I paid $400. But I desperately needed them. 4 year old, 3/4 worn Mud Terrains that didn't have proper rotations were sketchy in the rain. This... I don't *need* per se... but dammit I have been talking about it for legit 3 years so... bout time I did. And it;ll barely get used up to its full potential
  17. I didn't use *all* of my tax return. I still have to prepare my Jeep for a 1200 mile trip, towing a camper for it, and off-roading the weekend that splits those miles in half. I'm just bored sitting at home, and now I am under harsher restriction due to someone in the house possibly having COVID.. plus I haven't REALLY treated myself like this in a while. So why not.
  18. Me too but this was not bills. Was it a stupid purchase? Probably. Did I save money doing so? Maybe. Will I get my money's worth? I hope.
  19. Bout time I use that tax return
  20. Daily because skin condition XD
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