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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. tbh I don't care who gets 10k first. I'm not gonna lock it at 9999 and take that post. But if I post at say, 10,012 replies... then I'll just delete 12 spam posts and lock it
  2. R E L A X I'm allowed to have fun too
  3. Kidney is Zeni
  4. I do sleep and do other things away from my computer you know...
  5. Traps have better asses anyway
  6. Your goddamn avatar though... (<3)
  7. Oh that time. YOU NEVER REPLIED TO ME
  8. Good
  9. I’m gonna have fun with the next 70 posts
  10. I was in PA!
  11. I’m on mobile otherwise I would have.
  12. I haven’t in years tho 😏
  13. It’s fun if it’s not overpowering spam though 🤔
  14. Wait. Do I need to merge a few of his threads again? ill be home in a few minutes, so...
  15. Crunchyroll and fill?
  16. I bet it is. He has a nice ass.
  17. And then Rogue will end up getting blamed for it again! Yaaay! (Like I give a fuck though maybe don't keep posting gross shit?)
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