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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. well this got gay. starting with Zenigundam.
  2. booooring
  3. I was shirtless and you missed it
  4. inb4packardexpainwhyaflatheadsraight8isbetter
  5. @Buddyroe360
  6. I hope you screencapped it
  7. I was walking there in July. it had changed lot since the time I was there before, I was really surprised. I got too used to going to Gordon's Pond
  8. No points though? Shame.
  9. I'm hyper active even when I'm exhausted or tired. Like, worked most of the day and as soon as I got home saw a full sink. didn't even relax, I just sprung into cleaning mode. I was drowsy in the car though.
  10. Taken care of.
  11. Yes. And then eventually I'll get tired of looking at it and either angrily deal with it or drunkenly deal with it... or if I'm lucky will get a burst of energy later.
  12. Looks cozy!
  13. Which is why my house is clean, or my tools are never lost. It's a wonderful thing.
  14. Organization is a wonderful thing, too.
  15. It's another one of those pointless character alts.
  16. @Dark_Chii
  17. I actually would.
  18. I smell your jealousy seething from your disgusting pores. Listen, Donald Trump's lost nefu, do not try to compare yourself to me.
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