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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. That image is the accidental killing of a bird, not animal cruelty.
  2. Isn't that the basement from Breaking Bad?
  3. Would it be @yazmineR? I hosted an IB camping trip she attended 10 years ago!
  4. It's FIVE guys, not FOUR guys
  5. At least someone can make viable posts. That said, I am not a numbers person, I am a patterns person.
  6. I’ve only had bad luck one time but it wasn’t because she was a coworker, she was just fucking psychotic.
  7. It doesn’t help that I have been watching a lot of shit about dying and abandoned malls along with big retailers...
  8. I am surprised no one mentioned fucking a co-worker. Or if you’re in the sort of occupation where you deal with them, tenants at the property you work at. Or like... retail? Do people fuck customers in the dressing rooms still?
  9. I’m sure if you did that you’d have the pics or video to prove it. Chairs don’t count.
  10. The ladies control their own affections. So you are saying you beat them up?
  11. Nothing wrong with that! Next time someone calls you out tell them, "at least you know how to FUCK" as you thrust harder into the word fuck
  12. but is it really little? Or is that an act as well?
  13. That would mean Zeni is a man-whore and gets all the ladies.
  14. But is it gluten free and vegan?
  15. Dare I say it........ Probably to BBC
  16. I was going to make a furry joke, but this is borderline bestiality. I bet Nabs would help you.
  17. So the person complaining about me acquiring a bit of land and owning it is a nazi?
  18. Imagine if eggs only had one g. egs. I'd like some scrambled egs. Why does it look so much more disgusting.
  19. As a landlord I cannot endorse such behavior.
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