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Everything posted by renjifan

  1. I’ve posted pics a couple of times. But that was the first and only time I’ve ever been compared to a bird, so I’m hoping I’m good... 😒
  2. I think he was talking about the color of them? They’re green with kind of a gold-ish color around the pupil At least I hope that’s what he was talking about, anyway. Y’all would tell me if I had a bird face, right???
  3. I was working at a pizza place and was the only employee there at the time. A guy came in and ordered, and this convo took place as I was ringing him up. Guy: “Whoa!” Me: *Looks up at him* Guy: “You have really cool eyes!” Me: “Oh, thank you. 🙂” Guy: “They look like an eagle!” Me: *Looks at him in confusion* Guy: “Can you make an eagle noise? Like this!” *Proceeds to make a squealing noise that is apparently what he thinks an eagle sounds like* Me: “...........No.” *Leaves to go make his food*
  4. I appreciate everyone’s input! Trying to weigh out the pros and cons, so definitely helps to get some feedback ☺️
  5. It’s basically the same as meal prepping, right?
  6. That’s kind of what I was thinking, too
  7. Oh, I’d have already asked her to set the date up if there were doggos
  8. Well he's only 2. He's got time to learn the proper ways of the wrassler.
  9. I'll give it some more thought, I suppose...
  10. Thank you! I will! ☺️
  11. Lol, you’re probably right
  12. You’re right, that sounds infinitely better. I’ll ask her if she knows any! 😜
  13. That kid hit me with a pillow the other day and yelled, “Chair shot! Yah!” If that’s what my brother is teaching him, I’m not too worried about what he’s gonna learn from me 😂
  14. Lol! Well, thank you! ☺️
  15. Not a fan, honestly. But then again, I’m super shy and socially awkward, so dating in general has never been easy for me... 😕
  16. Yeah...I think I’m going to have to politely decline her offer. I’m just not feeling it...
  17. I mean, I am pretty blind. Hence the glasses
  18. I thought that was what the nephew was for! I can hang out with the kid, then give him back at the end of the day. And no crazy ex-wives!
  19. Right. And this is something I keep telling myself, too. But it’s not just the kiddos, it’s also the ex. Sounds like things aren’t good there, and I don’t think I want to willingly place myself in a potentially drama filled situation. It’s a lot of hypotheticals, I know. And again, doesn’t reflect how he is as a person. But it would all be a packaged deal and that’s kind of a lot...
  20. Exactly. I’m definitely not ready to step into any sort of parental position. I can barely take care of myself most days... And apparently it was pretty messy with his ex, so I don’t think I want to put myself in the middle of all that...
  21. It’s the same songs and their 17 different versions played on repeat. Just gets old for me...
  22. I’m iffy about it though. She says he’s wonderful, and I trust her opinion, but it sounds like we’re in very different places in life. He is recently divorced with two young kiddos. I just had a lunchable during my break, so...
  23. Ugh, math... I never took Calculus. I think the highest math class I took was Trig. and to this day it still surprises me that I passed.
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