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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. Is the issue that you can’t eat him?
  2. Butter4656
  3. I was 15 years ago and now I’m stuck
  4. Nt
  5. Of depression
  6. I choose Ganon
  7. Strongly disagree. Wonder bread is best for that.
  8. Nog is dead?! Fuck.
  9. I’m a big fan of buttered rye toast
  10. I’m sorry you have to come to Ohio
  11. Ohio sucks
  12. That’s because you don’t eat enough
  13. Would you hypothetically wake me up when September ends?
  14. Watch more SoBro vids
  15. Swing yourself higher, Tobey Maguire The pitchfork’s on ya for tone Garfield’s wired, he took it even higher Ate lasagna, ‘cause he’s Emma Stoned
  16. Hard lemonade these days. It lets my mind relax and I can get shit done like cleaning my kitchen.
  17. I’m day drinking so yes
  18. Does the devil’s tongue eat ass?
  19. Stop doing the marijuana or I will report you to Jesus
  20. Doctor: Looks like you got disco neck, Ted.
  21. He’s right though I said tag in
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