mochi Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 It probably has shit stats (why else would someone throw out a Totodile via wondertrade) but I'm not complaining ::]:: also I'm only wondertrading to fill up my dex, if someone gives me a pokemon I already have I throw it back even if it's decent
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I got a charmander from wondertrade recently. Ofcourse at that point I'd already traded legendaries to acquire one for breeding so I could use the mega stones I got from Red. There should be more people trading starters. Also it's awesome getting good pokemon from wondertrade because they are usually still goo for breeding you just need to keep perfecting it and get the nature you want..I have alot of pokemon from trades with really broken egg moves. I have a ponyta from wonder trade with hypnosos and horndrill... I think it was level 1 with 4 egg moves Might've been a z-Splash ponyta with hypnosis and horndrill. I also traded a charmander baby with 4 egg moves for a squirtle on GTS. and they gave me a squirtle with dragon pulse, Aurasphere., waterpulse, protect. :fap:
Skinko Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I legit read this as "I got a Toddler via wondertrade," and I was like, "Shit, you can just trade kids on the internet now? That's fucked up." And then I was like, "Why the fuck would it say that, Skiles? Are you shitting me?" And I felt really dumb and weirded out that human trafficking was the direction that the autocorrect in my brain went. And that's the story of me reading your thread.
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Aslo add me I havent been playing because it's been pretty dead recently in the community. None of my friends play either and I need someone to trade back and forth to without using the damn autophrases to try to communicate with strangers. Add me my friend code is 0147 3693 9895
Chapinator_X Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 At one point in time, I was willing to trade any of my X/Y Pokemon for a terrible Red Gyarados just for the sake of having one. I had one in my GBC copy of Silver, so it was purely for nostalgia. Totodile also holds that distinction as my starter choice for the game back then.
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 Update: I also got two Popplio via wondertrade so I put one on the GTS in exchange for a Litten edit: right after I posted this I checked the GTS and I now own a Litten, a really bad one that only knows scratch and Ember but I can make it work **shrug**
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 bro I got like 15 littens.. They are really common in wondertrade.
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 bro I got like 15 littens.. They are really common in wondertrade. on the GTS every litten up for trade was in exchange for something hilariously unequal, like asking for a level 100 Legendary I don't think anyone wants a litten that badly
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 on the GTS every litten up for trade was in exchange for something hilariously unequal, like asking for a level 100 Legendary I don't think anyone wants a litten that badly You'll find most of the trades by other people for ANYTHING in the gts is like that. It's better just to throw up your own trade for something reasonable and someone will probably go for it because they're probably looking at the same bullshit when they search for your pokemon. If you want I could just give you a litten for whatever though. I have alot from wondertrades. It's pretty op in it's final form I should train one myself..
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 You'll find most of the trades by other people for ANYTHING in the gts is like that. It's better just to throw up your own trade for something reasonable and someone will probably go for it because they're probably looking at the same bullshit when they search for your pokemon. If you want I could just give you a litten for whatever though. I have alot from wondertrades. It's pretty op in it's final form I should train one myself.. the GTS trade I put up was already answered so I have one now I also got a torchic via wondertrade
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Nice.. well I'm on my game right now if you want to add me.. or I can add you if you get your friend code. I have a shiny 4 IV ditto with destiny not, and have already started alot of competitive breeding so I prolly have some good mons for you. I'm about to get these megastones real quick I havent been doing this.. Some of the event stuff is so hard to do because you have to so many different things to get the stuff. My global link account is still unverified so I miss out on some stuff since it doesnt work right for me.
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 I added it, but I'm not sure if it makes a diff if I have a 3ds and you have a 2ds I think you have to add mine to.
André Toulon Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 I was playing on my DS at McDonalds and this kid walked up and asked did I have pokemon. I told him yeah and he asked if we could trade.......I gave him my DS and told him to go to town.......He didn't take any of my legendaries but got a lot of my other decent stuff. When I saw he didn't take any of the legends I asked him if he wanted my Rayquaza......He lit up like a Christmas tree.
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Where'd Mochi go? That drunk slut never added me to his friends list.
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 Where'd Mochi go? That drunk slut never added me to his friends list. I don't know your friend code
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Aslo add me I havent been playing because it's been pretty dead recently in the community. None of my friends play either and I need someone to trade back and forth to without using the damn autophrases to try to communicate with strangers. Add me my friend code is 0147 3693 9895
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 oh, sorry, added Edit: you should be aware I have nothing worth trading though
Danger_Jules Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Sheer Force is the best way to go with a Totodile, since it powers up Ice Fang and Crunch to take care of Dragon and Psychic types better.
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 That's cool. I'll get back on moon in a sec im eating. You could still help me out by letting me trade over some pokes and trade back.. have a magmar almost lvl 100 because I don't have anyone to trade it to to get magmortar. Also if I can get a sec. magmarizer I'd like to do a modest nature. Not sure how well this Mild one will do competitively.
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Also I'm not even sure how to trade with someone on your friendslist online. I havent done it yet with this game. Oh there you are.. How do you send a request?
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Hey bro I need to put the magarizer on this magmar before I trade it one sec.
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 That's cool. I'll get back on moon in a sec im eating. You could still help me out by letting me trade over some pokes and trade back.. have a magmar almost lvl 100 because I don't have anyone to trade it to to get magmortar. Also if I can get a sec. magmarizer I'd like to do a modest nature. Not sure how well this Mild one will do competitively. thanks for the cleffa, sorry all I had to give you was that youngoose if you ever want starfire back just ask
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 Hey bro I need to put the magarizer on this magmar before I trade it one sec. kay
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 alright I'm ready send me a request it wont let me. let me know if you see something you want. I can just make an egg for it if I dont have doubles..
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 alright I'm ready send me a request it wont let me. let me know if you see something you want. I can just make an egg for it if I dont have doubles.. can't find your name on my guest list
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 I see your character in my festival plaza and you're on the list.. Oh I think I had to hit the connect to internet button maybe..Lets see now. I added you to my vip list.
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 I see your character in my festival plaza and you're on the list.. Oh I think I had to hit the connect to internet button maybe..Lets see now. I added you to my vip list. I assume you want the Gengar back
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 just tell me on here if you want any of your pokes back
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Nah keep it's lax nature.. I actually don't have a good nature haunter atm unfortunately. I gotta another charmander for you and if you want a mareanie.. Other than that I guess that's it for now. I have a bunch of good mons from gts wondertrades. So just let me know if you want something.
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 Nah keep it's lax nature.. I actually don't have a good nature haunter atm unfortunately. I gotta another charmander for you and if you want a mareanie.. Other than that I guess that's it for now. I have a bunch of good mons from gts wondertrades. So just let me know if you want something. already gave it back I guess re-trade it if you want
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 Philosipher_Stoned[/member] I decided to end the trading for now cause I have other stuff to do, we can trade again later and as I said if you want any of your mons back just ask
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 I was trying to give you one of the mareanies I bred with stockpile.. toxapex is a beast tank. I didn't have any babies left with stockpile though. I got just about everything so I was trying to see if you wanted something. Thanks for helping me out with that magmortar.
mochi Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 I was trying to give you one of the mareanies I bred with stockpile.. toxapex is a beast tank. I didn't have any babies left with stockpile though. I got just about everything so I was trying to see if you wanted something. Thanks for helping me out with that magmortar. ooooh, kay, I'll trade it for my existing Mareanie tomorrow
PhilosipherStoned Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 dang I didn't even think about giving you a poke with pokerus. Have you got pokerus yet? I had to get mine from the wild..
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