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something my merch manager made us take to better learn our managerial style after she had to take one at a conference. it was only for those of us who run depts to take.  :D



D- dominance

I- Influence

S- Steadiness

C- Conscientiousness



I showed strong D traits with C in second and this is what it said about those.






Person places emphasis on accomplishing results, the bottom line, confidence

A person with a D styleis motivated by winning, competition and success.[/s]


  • prioritizes accepting challenge, taking action and achieving immediate results.
  • is described as direct, demanding, forceful, strong willed, driven, and determined, fast-paced, and self-confident.
  • may be limited by lack of concern for others, impatience and open skepticism.
  • may fear being seen as vulnerable or being taken advantage of.
  • values competency, action, concrete results, personal freedom, challenges.
  • Goals:unique accomplishments
  • new opportunities
  • control of audience
  • independence

    Will need to expend more energy to:show patience
  • display sensitivity
  • get into the details
  • allow deliberation
  • When communicating with the D style individuals, give them the bottom line, be brief, focus your discussion narrowly, avoid making generalizations, refrain from repeating yourself, and focus on solutions rather than problems.
    Person places emphasis on quality and accuracy, expertise, competency
    A person with a C styleis motivated by opportunities to gain knowledge, showing their expertise, and quality work.
  • prioritizes ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions.
  • is described as careful, cautious, systematic, diplomatic, accurate and tactful.
  • may be limited by being overcritical, overanalyzing and isolating themselves.
  • may fear criticism and being wrong.
  • values quality and accuracy
  • Goals:unique accomplishments
  • correctness
  • stability
  • predictable accomplishments
  • personal growth

    Will need to expend more energy to:let go of and delegate tasks
  • compromise for the good of the team
  • join in social events and celebrations
  • make quick decisions
  • When communicating with the C style individual, focus on facts and details; minimize "pep talk" or emotional language; be patient, persistent and diplomatic.
its kind of funny because its mostly right. mostly. i am not competitive in any way, am very social, and i do have a lot of empathy... i'm just not good about displaying sensitivity toward others. anyways i thought it was kind of funny to see and that my work made me take one of these tests. i mean, its just a middle man retail job.
:fap: have you ever had to take one of these personality tests for work?


I always pegged you as having a strong D.


I'm gonna take the shit out of that test tho. Sounds fun. Although I kind of expect to click "finish" and the website says "Says here you're a little bitch."  :|


I always pegged you as having a strong D.


I'm gonna take the shit out of that test tho. Sounds fun. Although I kind of expect to click "finish" and the website says "Says here you're a little bitch."  :|



I wish I had a strong D.



Do eeeet. And then tell me if thats what it really says.



I took mine on paper and then my manager calculated the results. Cuz she is fucking weird.


Steady af boyz





tl;dr: I'm a damn good employee because I'm comfortable doing the boring stuff with patience, and I care about my coworkers. And it accurately surmises that I avoid conflict at all costs, which means I don't necessarily face issues I may have head on (which is how you end up in that awful warehouse job I had for two years :| ).


So yeah, I'd say it pretty well nailed me.

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