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Those are fun.  I learned the best way to deal with individual ones is by spaying them with alcohol.  Stronger the better.  It's a lot less messy than smashing them.  A number of things would work but alcohol doesn't stain and dries quickly.  Also keeping it in a spray bottle makes it easier to apply to cuts.


I think my bug problem taking care of now.  At least I hope so. 


I'll be dead by the end of the year.


I don't envy you, I had bed bugs earlier this year and they literally ruined my life


I didn't know they were actually a thing until a couple of years ago.

I read that cases have gone up 500%. 


Check your shit people.  Catch them while they're few in numbers.



at least they're bed bugs and not murder bugs


Actually if they get out of control you can end up with blood stains lining your mattress.  Mine just looks like somebody took a small spray bottle filled with shit and painted a couple of the seams.


Got a bag over the mattresses and a dude coming to steam clean the ever living hell out of my apartment.  Everything else gets to live inside big black plastic bags for the next year.


Who needs clothes.  I'm nude 99% of the time when I'm at home anyways.


*** **** mother-******* bed bug **** ******* **** gobbling **** ****.


My entire christmas is entirely fucked.  My family has uninvited me to holiday stuff.  My landlord is pissed off at me.  And every single bit of my shit is going in the fucking dumpster.


My heart rate is seriously blasting through the roof right now.  The stuff they are requiring us to do is impossible.  And they tell us not to leave the apartment or we'll spread the little fuckers, but during the three five hour long treatments they require us to leave the apartment.  My father is an old man with mobility issues.  He can't fucking go for a jog or sit out in the damn cold.


*** **** mother-******* bed bug **** ******* **** gobbling **** ****.


My entire christmas is entirely fucked.  My family has uninvited me to holiday stuff.  My landlord is pissed off at me.  And every single bit of my shit is going in the fucking dumpster.


My heart rate is seriously blasting through the roof right now.  The stuff they are requiring us to do is impossible.  And they tell us not to leave the apartment or we'll spread the little fuckers, but during the three five hour long treatments they require us to leave the apartment.  My father is an old man with mobility issues.  He can't fucking go for a jog or sit out in the damn cold.


Take him to a movie?


No car and walking there is entirely out of the question.  And the local (only) cab company won't transport my father because he got in a fight with their driver.


It's a magical time of year.

  • 2 weeks later...

Landlord showed up two days early for inspection.  We gotta throw away all of our living room furniture.  Not because there are any bugs on them, or that they have found any bugs on them.  But because they have "too many crevices".


Found out that if their bedbug treatment doesn't work, we have to pay for a second one.


Anybody wanna loan me the $5,000 they told me it would cost?


Your landlord sounds like a dick.  You don't need to throw your furniture out.  Also it's normal for them to spray 3 times.

As well has getting itchy bites, blood on my mattress and bug poo on my box spring, they also costs me 300 dollars.  Not sure why yours costs so much.


Between that and my car, I can't afford to get a new bed set. 

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