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  • Western black widow, Latrodectus hesperus
    Southern black widow, Latrodectus mactans
    Northern black widow, Latrodectus variolus
    Brown widow, Latrodectus geometricus
    Red widow, Latrodectus bishopi


  • Western black widow, Latrodectus hesperus
    Southern black widow, Latrodectus mactans
    Northern black widow, Latrodectus variolus
    Brown widow, Latrodectus geometricus
    Red widow, Latrodectus bishopi

they're pretty but they scare me cause their bite is actually dangerous

No, I was in incredible pain for atleast two days. It felt like more.


I started to hallucinate a lil bit, but it was more so from the drugs I took for the pain, and the pain itself then


the venom probably..  I was only like 12 or 13 at the time to.  Alot of details are pretty fuzzy at ths point.


I don't think I actually got that much venom though now that I think about it. I do remember being afraid


to go to sleep one night because my chest was pounding..not sure I could even call that pain it was like


having chest convulsions that started in my arm and radiated outward.. It is a good idea to go to the


hospital, but only because it's easy to go into anaphalactic shock..They usally don't even have the


antivenom on hand, and if they do thay only use it in extreme cases were someone cant move


because the pain or something.. They usually just pump you full of morphine and keep you until


the venom wears off.  :|


Pretty sure it had to be the southern one.. especially out of the two you mentioned. I googled


the city where I was when it happened. Well I was in the outskirts of the city in a little suburban


area. Me and my friend where staying over at his older sister's house. Her and her husband had


just bought the place and he turned the large backyard area they had into an ATV pit. There was


still grass, and large uncut weeds in the middle and on the edges of the lot. I flipped an ATV into


the weeds and ffreaked out when I saw a black widow trying to crawl from a weed onto my head.


I tried to swat it away with my arm but instead of flying off it stuck to my arm and bit me :D


This is the article I found: http://www.kcbd.com/story/19135762/black-widow-population-rises-in-lubbock:


Not sure how old it is, but that yard had a BIG Population.



you typically won't see them. they like to avoid humans. Northerns have very pretty markings



well thats good



your big guys are pretty and all... but i have a distance rule with spidey.



1.) if you plan to share the same real estate as me, you best keep your squatting ass out of my line of vision.



2.)  otherwise, arms reach my friend...





Well is it normal to spot them during the DAY.  Actually I think it was a summer afternoon, but me and friend


had spotted several females and even played around with them before pulling out the ATV. I was always a


nature buff so when I spotted a large female I called him over to look at saying "You know what this is"


He was like "woah a black widow" "look there's another one over there, and over there"  :|


The sun was low enough that it was making the weeds glow and I swear it was like there was one large


female per large weed.. A real WTF moment for me, but I was kinda poor back then so when he pulled out


the ATV and said you wanna ride it I guess the kid me gave zero fucks  :D

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