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god i regret not picking up My Hero Academia Season 1 last night....

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I Freaking Loved the show last year and when i saw the first season at walmart last night i was like cool! but i was hesistant about picking it up especially since the last few DVD/Blu-rays i had picked up were anime related and i knew for sure after picking up Sailor Moon Crystal And Yurikuma Arashi  any anime i pick up will be viewed or judged as Pervy Fetish Fuel


so i opted out and decided not to pick it up(plus I'd rather get the blu-ray anwyays and i felt like sticking strictly to the grocery list without too many vanity trips)


sadly i didn't realize I'd have to buy the first season on DVD if i wanted to rewatch it(unless i felt like doing the free trial of the sketchy Funimation Now! PS4 App)with my family


I'm just kinda tired of having to always pick up the DVD Despite having a functional blu-ray player because for whatever reason the blu-ray version is never in stock when I Go to walmart....for most animes they have


you have to be there right when it comes out to get the blu-ray copy otherwise you just get the dvd version....




All you have to do is buy from Walmart's website, and then choose in-store pick up so you don't have to pay for shipping. That's what I do when they have anime or games I know are never in stock. It's less hassle too because you don't have look for anything when what you want is already bagged up and waiting for you.




Anyway yeah, wonderful series. :D

i didn't put it there cause i don't want Season 2 spoilers and also because I'm not watching season 2 right now there's no real way for me to watch it without using the sketchy PS4 App




All you have to do is buy from Walmart's website, and then choose in-store pick up so you don't have to pay for shipping. That's what I do when they have anime or games I know are never in stock. It's less hassle too because you don't have look for anything when what you want is already bagged up and waiting for you.

not having a vehicle and being in a rural town makes such things difficult


meh I'll just grab it next time...if they have it next time I'm out grocery shopping for the family


i didn't put it there cause i don't want Season 2 spoilers and also because I'm not watching season 2 right now there's no real way for me to watch it without using the sketchy PS4 App


Oooooooooooooooooooooh, I see. Well....START WATCHIN'! >:(


not having a vehicle and being in a rural town makes such things difficult


meh I'll just grab it next time...if they have it next time I'm out grocery shopping for the family


*Sigh* I understand how much of a pain that is way too much.


Why are you not just ordering stuff online and having it shipped?

Don't need to worry about something being in stock if it's getting shipped to you.


I watched up to the point the one girl hugged a bomb.


Ah yes, episode 7



<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Yep, that's the one.


The fact that it sounds like most of this season is another shonen tournament arc does not make me eager to try getting back to it.

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