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As that lackey learned, Ashi has no problem killing.



And it seems that Jack, thinking the kids were killed, has finally snapped and followed the dark samurai specter.


So the next episode, Jack's missing and Ashi will be looking for him. Alright. Will be here hopefully. I've been very lucky with my work schedule as of late.


Pretty undiable proof Ashi.


Yet another ruthless example of Aku's tryanny.  Children as slaves.


Well done Ashi.  And wow thought for sure that guy was a robot haha.


Oh no Jack thinks all the kids died.


The horseman spoke.  That doesn't prove it's not a vision though.  Still think it represents Jack himself.  Either way Jack went with him, somewhere...


Ashi is going to have find Jack and bring him back to the fight.


The Scotsman died and is now a Force Ghost.  Him and all the other ghosts need to get together for a big ol Ghost Party.


As for Jack and Ashi, it does seem like it's less a master/student relationship and more two equals.  I'll let your draw your own conclusions on where that's going.


This episode felt like it was moving a lot of pieces around, and did so very quickly.  I get why but hope the next episode has something of a narrower focus, primarily on the Ashi/Jack dynamic.

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