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Most of my party hat Pikachu are also female. I only have 2 tyrogue and neither have HP as it's top stat.

Been rando evolving eevee no espeon or umbreon S:

Did you use the names? Sakura and Tamao mang


motherfucking 10k egg is a goddam Gligar I do not need Gligar I need Lapras Aerodactyl or Chansey GOSH (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Did you use the names? Sakura and Tamao mang


motherfucking 10k egg is a goddam Gligar I do not need Gligar I need Lapras Aerodactyl or Chansey GOSH (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I'm kinda saving the naming for a better eevee. I have wonders but they'll only have one attribute that exceeds. I just think I can find a better eevee eventually.


I don't even know if Lapras is in 10 eggs anymore or at all. I haven't hatched one nor have I seen one. I don't think Lapras should hatch from tens considering they completely screwed up the piece. It went from one of the strongest to nothing in no time.


I also think they need to balance the battles. Like why the hell does my 3184 cp 146 hp Dragonite run out of time on a 2000 cp Blissey I get it Blissey has stupid HP but shouldn't cp mean something?  It seems like it doesn't really anymore


My brother in law has hatched like, five Lapras over the course of the game, should still be a 10k but I'm concerned I'm gonna keep getting Johto hatches when I still need Kanto


Will update if anything happuns


My brother in law has hatched like, five Lapras over the course of the game, should still be a 10k but I'm concerned I'm gonna keep getting Johto hatches when I still need Kanto


Will update if anything happuns

Tell your brother-in-law to stop stealing all the Lapras :P


lol yeah if it came down to it he has plenty to trade. Though personally I've always held a certain pride about things like this, like I'd still rather hatch (or catch) my own Lapras instead of making a trade.


You hear bout that old guy (somewhere in Asia I think) who died from a heart attack after he caught a Lapras? I don't have a link to the article at the moment but yeah..


also caught this shot earlier



that Chikorita is a great one, might be my Meganium eventually


latest 10k was Mantine


lol yeah if it came down to it he has plenty to trade. Though personally I've always held a certain pride about things like this, like I'd still rather hatch (or catch) my own Lapras instead of making a trade.


You hear bout that old guy (somewhere in Asia I think) who died from a heart attack after he caught a Lapras? I don't have a link to the article at the moment but yeah..


also caught this shot earlier



that Chikorita is a great one, might be my Meganium eventually


latest 10k was Mantine

d'aaw it looks like it's kissing bulbasaur


All my chikorita and bayleaf aren't very good....I'm hoping on a good hatch.

I hatched a perfect Growlithe, too bad they nerfed Arcanine a while back, a few times, actually.


Wow I'm always afraid of a crazy rare Pokemon running from me, lol. Usually they stick around while I throw Ultras at them. Caught Misdre early on, have a Larvitar but that's all I've encountered of that fam


My last four 10k eggs have all been Dratini. Sigh, fine...


I figure, when your gym leader is equally impressed with HP, attack and defense, but stats are just excellent, is better than a pokemon with one best feature with stats that blow them away, right? In Candela terms anyway


Welp now Heracross, Unown and Kangaskhan have all showed up in my local gym


I recently picked up Dragon Scale and Sun Stone from random stops after not getting anything since Upgrade on my first 7 day streak the weekend Johto came out. Update hasn't hit yet as far as I know (unless it did for iOS)


Looking forward to being able to evolve more things, though I still need a decent Onix and Scyther


Wow I'm always afraid of a crazy rare Pokemon running from me, lol. Usually they stick around while I throw Ultras at them. Caught Misdre early on, have a Larvitar but that's all I've encountered of that fam


My last four 10k eggs have all been Dratini. Sigh, fine...


I figure, when your gym leader is equally impressed with HP, attack and defense, but stats are just excellent, is better than a pokemon with one best feature with stats that blow them away, right? In Candela terms anyway


Welp now Heracross, Unown and Kangaskhan have all showed up in my local gym

Are the regionals still locked?  I never saw Heracross or Unown or Farfetch'd but I've seen Mr. Mime and Kansas.

I'm glad the 7 day is guaranteed cuz I never got an item and my bf got 2 out of 5


Far as I know regionals are still regional, wondering if the player I saw went on vacation, caught one and came back. Australia is a bit farther away though, that one surprised me. I've heard it's extremely rare but maybe possible to hatch a regional, but you have to tell Niantic about it so they don't take it away. But that's just something I heard.


Still waiting for update w Magikarp hat, other ppl already got it  :(


Lapras is back

Is this makeup for no Chansey jeez



ah yes C7k1MQ7U8AEJv9X.jpg:large


also yeah Gyarados's regular color is darker now, female Karp have white tendrils

I'm getting that hat. ? I noticed Gyrados was way darker. I'm waiting for red Gyrados


D00d I posted bout water festival on previous page


Miraculously caught two Lapras around here yesterday, none seen today


Usually Seel is not wild around here so I was finally able to catch enough for Dewgong

Need a good Omanyte to evolve.. that or just build enough candy for multiple Omastar

Same with Slowpoke, need stone for Slowking. Got two Upgrades earlier, already have Porygon2, need more Pory (edit: aand hatched one)

Most of the way to another Gyarados now, no shinys yet for me

Weirdly one base type I have not seen so far during event is Shellder, though I've hatched plenty of those


Updated, some cosmetic changes- player screen is different and night sky is brighter. Eggs seem to have place and dates now, finally, but at the moment they're wonky, they all display May 2016


I've been playing through the winter, before the new release I was 10 away from completing the pokedex, but with the babies and new gen out I am around 160 total, but haven't been playing much the last few weeks.


Gyms are still super active by me, even at 50 below the gyms were still changing hands daily(most of them).


I've been playing through the winter, before the new release I was 10 away from completing the pokedex, but with the babies and new gen out I am around 160 total, but haven't been playing much the last few weeks.


Gyms are still super active by me, even at 50 below the gyms were still changing hands daily(most of them).

Lol damn 50 below?


Still no Lapras and I'm about to go to war with team Instinct and the assholes that wait for you to take out a level ten gym just to knock you out and leave the gym fucking empty ::]:: >:( ::]:: >:D


And of course, after catching two, I finally go ahead and hatch my first Lapras (course now that's my best one)


missed a shot at a third wild the other night, sometimes farther stops blip by on my tracker, saw one but it was gone when I got there


While on the subject I still kinda want this awesome expensive thing http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2017-02-16/even-adults-will-want-to-ride-this-giant-pokemon-lapras-plush/.112179


ah, first Shiny Gyarados gym spotting.. natch, the same gym as all other crazy sightings




Espeon/Umbreon note- my brother in law says he confirmed this, if you walk an Eevee for 10k and evolve it during the day, you get Espeon, night, Umbreon; you can do this as many times as you want


Haven't heard of any change in Revive rate, though stops do seem slower to act when you spin.. guess all you can do is keep spinning


The other week it seemed like I couldn't get an egg for the life of me, I had to spin for a bit before eggs started poppin, like in the afternoon they started comin


Thankfully I also recently hatched a good Abra and Slowpoke, finding good ones is hard. Alakazam and Slowking are on deck, got a King's Rock on my spin (need another, what with Politoed)


So did they completely kill the rate revives are given at? I went from like 40 revives to all my good ones are dead and there's nothing I can do.

I've been getting fewer revives not only that but I had a decent amount of max revives and a good chunk of them disappeared. I noticed when I went to use them. I dunno it's crazy.


Finally saw Lapras but it was gone by the time I got there. I boogied too. So many sads  ::HMM::


Is it still happening? I haven't had any runaways yet today. But my brolaw had a recent issue where he was on the road and couldn't spin stops, plus every pokemon ran away. It resolved after a short while.


Is it still happening? I haven't had any runaways yet today. But my brolaw had a recent issue where he was on the road and couldn't spin stops, plus every pokemon ran away. It resolved after a short while.

It's been happening to me a lot, last time was this morning.  Pokestops are dead if you travel over 20mph but I too had one not even spin at all, also getting super annoyed at all the sightings vanishing and taking so long to return S:

  • 2 weeks later...

I never really saw the appeal. I mean I like Pokemon, but it just seems like a less fun version of the game. Sure, it's like you're actually catching a Pokemon but that doesn't really interest me. Plus the fact that the first couple of weeks it came out, it was all I heard about.


I never really saw the appeal. I mean I like Pokemon, but it just seems like a less fun version of the game. Sure, it's like you're actually catching a Pokemon but that doesn't really interest me. Plus the fact that the first couple of weeks it came out, it was all I heard about.

I enjoy it, it's a fun little game, they need to add PvP and trading to make it more interesting


If I did play it, all I would catch are Slowpoke's

Lol, yeah those fuckers are pretty common but you can make slow king now.

Trying the game won't kill you, however if you live in a small, remote town I don't recommend it.

I say that cuz it's a complaint I see a lot in the reviews. Not enough pokestops so the game gets expensive or grindingly

slow cuz of a lack of items


My brolaw hatched Growlithe and Skarmory from 2k eggs, I'm still working on this 5k before I get to mine

oh cool I'm working on a couple of 2 eggs now......I hope I get something I really need

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