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Update is live!



Genders are live, noticed some other cosmetic changes, no Gen 2s on my tracker yet, no additional evolutions for current Pokemon

Beat me to it, I just updated.  It also shows what your pokemon will evolve into when it evolves

it also shows gender.....my charmander has the male symbol next to it I do have one female apparently :)


Issues have been fixed, took a Pokéwalkabout this evening, caught a mess of Johto


Oh also Hoothoot can be Ditto, got one earlier

I caught a ledyba, murkrow, hoppip, slugma and a chinchou. I coulda caught more but I was cold.

I fought a Blissey. Holy fuck it almost beat my strong gyrados. It's hp must be off the chain.


All of my recent:



Saw two Blisseys in a local gym.. a player I met reported Chansey was supposedly 'common' in another area of Brooklyn last week.. WELL NOT HERE  >:(


Also now I get it, there's day and night music now


*caught Yanma and Houndour


Tonight's new catches


I like how there are more evolutions out there. I have a Bayleef, furret and I lost the mid evolution to Totodile and Leydba.

I'm going to assume that the legendary hounds and Lugia are not out there yet. 


My brolaw seemed to be seeing more Gen 1 rares, if only that were the case here.. guessing all Legendaries are reserved for special events, one question is whether teams will factor in to what you can get, and if they'd encourage trading that way..


Saw a Tyranitar in a local gym, evolution stones come from 7 Day Poke Stop spins


Still haven't seen Cyndaquil.. friggin fire types man


My brolaw seemed to be seeing more Gen 1 rares, if only that were the case here.. guessing all Legendaries are reserved for special events, one question is whether teams will factor in to what you can get, and if they'd encourage trading that way..


Saw a Tyranitar in a local gym, evolution stones come from 7 Day Poke Stop spins


Still haven't seen Cyndaquil.. friggin fire types man

I saw a Tyranitar too in a gym. My boyfriend got a dragon scale off a streak. He asked me what it's for I told him beats me I'm not that familiar with gen 2 outside of the starters and legendary ones


I wanna know what the genders are for and why some species have more of one gender than another. Are we going to be breeding them?


I think the teams we chose make more of a difference than I currently know. I think you're right about the birds. I'm on team mystic had I known Articuno was the weakest bird I woulda put more thought into the team I chose.


I'm not sure if breeding will ever be incorporated, but a lot of pokemon have slight visual variations between genders (since gen 4). Does anyone know if they added the variations when they added genders?


Easiest was to tell is to see if you have any female Pikachu, they have a divot at the tip of their tail.


I'm not sure if breeding will ever be incorporated, but a lot of pokemon have slight visual variations between genders (since gen 4). Does anyone know if they added the variations when they added genders?


Easiest was to tell is to see if you have any female Pikachu, they have a divot at the tip of their tail.

All my Pikachu are male. I don't see any difference with anything as far as I can tell but I didn't look super hard


Yeah same here, looking for a better candidate

Naming only works once, so I too have been waiting for a better Eevee.....I have tried going rando, got 2 Flareons and a Vaporeon >:D



I caught a Hondour....bad ass lookin' puppy :o


Is it bad if I want Espeon to be a girl? All my Eevees are dudes


Yeh got a couple Houndour, dexed a (sadly) weakass Ursaring last night (easy catch, but useless now)

I have a nice mix of males and females. I'd give you one if trading were a thing.

I caught another Octillery. I wanna Blissey. I only hatched one Chansey and it came with 7 candies so it's gonna be a while.

My boyfriend can make one but he doesn't like his. I have a wonder  attack/defense that exceeds calculations, again something I'd be more than willing to give but can't cuz NO TRADING FOR YOU! >:D


10 coins away from being able to afford the upgrade on sale, level 9 gym at the restaurant we are playing trivia at, push the gym to 10, and in then time it took to revive and heal one pokemon, the slot got sniped by someone else...


I ended up using my gf's game to knock out the lowest guy in the gym and then I pushed it back up to 10 to put a guy in and claim the coins for the upgrade.


If I'm lucky I will linger in there for a few days and get some free coins.


I noticed a difference between male and female glooms. The males have specks of white on the crown or bud part, the reddish part, lol I dunno what to call it and female glooms have a solid white dot on each. I only have one male vileplume and he has specks on his petals perhaps the ladies have solid circles on theirs.


Current Sakura candidate...



Finally caught Cyndaquil, also Croconaw, Teddiursa


Also different appearances based on gender I think are confirned, Wobbufet is one example according to my brother in law


Current Sakura candidate...



Finally caught Cyndaquil, also Croconaw, Teddiursa


Also different appearances based on gender I think are confirned, Wobbufet is one example according to my brother in law

Yeah the gloom's are different for sure. Wobbefet is out there?

I can't wait tomorrow I'll be in the theater district taking a dumb class. I'm looking forward to being an asshole playing PoGo in crowded Times Square  :fap:


Game totally trolled me on Valentine's, still no Chansey here


Haven't seen Wobbufet around here yet but he's in the game


Also when a player puts a weak/base pokemon in a gym I wonder if it's a strategy to bait another team's player to defeat it so that they fight back and retake it, or to make it easy for a friendly to power it up


Game totally trolled me on Valentine's, still no Chansey here


Haven't seen Wobbufet around here yet but he's in the game


Also when a player puts a weak/base pokemon in a gym I wonder if it's a strategy to bait another team's player to defeat it so that they fight back and retake it, or to make it easy for a friendly to power it up

I used to think it was mostly a troll move to put something weak in a gym, especially when it's done after taking out a gym that's lvl 10 but now I think it's more to make it easier to level the gym up, it's very time consuming, raising gym prestige, if a gym is higher than level 5 I just won't do it most of the time


Of all the notifications the game sends you from time to time, it should notify you when the coin timer resets and when a pokemon gets knocked out of a gym. Worrying about gym stuff is so far out of my routine that I forget, obviously.


Did your game update recently? I don't think mine did and I haven't seen party hat Pikachu yet..

I didn't physically update it but around 6-7pm last nightI saw Pikachu on the sightings with a purple striped party hat.


I think it's in celebration of Pokemon's original release date in Japan.....lemme see if I can find something




My second party Pika is my only current female Pika


You can totally see the difference between male and female Pikachu just like the Gloom it's obvious


Saw a Mr. Mime in a gym. Another thing in my dex I'll never catch ::]::


people still play this? i haven't even touched mine for the past 2 months.

Yeah people play though it's arguably the worst Pokémon game out there.

All I have to go on is the GBA Pokémon game I played over ten years ago but from what I hear it's not a favorite


Well, Go is still a rather unconventional PokeGame. But it is free and does encourage going outside, lol


Maybe in a couple more years time it'll have some more depth, given it's technically unfinished


Man it'd be so perfect if naming Tyrogue Jackie or Bruce determines whether he evolves to Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee, but I hear his top stat does that. Like, if HP is his best stat he evolves to Hitmontop.


Also now most of my party Pika are female *ladies night*

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