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Golden Kamuy S3E8/9
Re:Stage! Dream Days 4

Rewatches: the whole first cour of The Ancient Magus Bride, the first three episodes of Re:Stage!, plus I'm still going with Space Dandy. And I just finished up with my yearly Akira rewatch. This time it was the original dub, in all of its fair-for-its-day glory.

[babe, it's been far too long]


Jujutsu Kaisen 10


Pairing hot former salary dude with that voice should be criminal. This show always feels like ten minutes to me. As soon as I get hype, that mug goes straight to the ending song. It's making it really hard for me not to go look for the manga and spoil myself.


Posted (edited)

Ikebukuro West Gate Park 11


After learning this was the only point of adaptational overlap between the J-drama and the anime, I've been excited to see what differences there were between the two versions. And I must say, I am both pleased and impressed.

  • In both versions, the murder of a young-but-not-quite-an-adult character is what sparks the confrontation between the G-Boys and Black/Red Angels. Only instead of Shun getting killed, leading to the G-Boys taking action first, it's a random Red Angel who bites it, prompting Kyouichi and the other Red Angels to bring the fight themselves.
  • To expand (expound?) upon that comparison, we also finally get our allegory to Yamai, the secret mastermind behind the turf war getting as bad as it did. I had the faintest fleeting suspicions, but as out of nowhere as it seemed without them, I do like how they suggested Isogai was the one behind it all. The yakuza connections are another fitting comparison between him and Yamai, only I don't think Yamai was ever, at any point, the yakuza boss character's secret gay lover. (I mean, why else would Isogai be taking a shower while the boss is in the next room sitting in bed and wearing a bathrobe?)
  • The inclusion of a young kid in the Red Angels' ranks and his pigtails-bearing little sister was also a nice touch. If that isn't a shout-out to the drama having an elementary-school kid in the Black Angels and him having a sister with the same hairstyle, then whoever claimed it wasn't is clearly lying.
  • But the depth of Makoto's involvement in everything is perhaps the biggest difference. In the drama, outside of idle warnings from various supporting characters, Makoto kept his distance from the turf war, instead focusing on learning more about Hikaru's psyche than he would've wanted to. But in a darker adaptational move, he's dragged in deeper than ever before when a drugged-up Red Angel shoots Takashi and Makoto's holding of the attempted murder weapon, coupled with some stealth photography, result in him being blamed for the hit. It definitely heightens the tension, and makes the overall conflict more relevant to Makoto outside of "I gotta troubleshoot this somehow" since he doesn't have a Hikaru allegory to distract himself with.
  • Last one worthy of mention is Yokoyama's approach towards Makoto. In tune with the change from "nemesis he just met" to "police contact he's known for years", the chief goes from threatening Makoto with arrest if he gets involved in the turf war to suggesting he turn himself in and be in a sort of protective custody because of how involved he is.

Long story short, I eagerly await what the finale has in store, and if any more differences and similarities pop up like they did here.


Edited by PokeNirvash

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