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IF is great, I only feel hungry a couple hours after I eat instead of all the fucking time.

i tried regular fasting, but my head hurts like hell all day.

i already technically only eat one meal a day, so i can't really do that.

1 and a half if cereal counts.


i tried regular fasting, but my head hurts like hell all day.

i already technically only eat one meal a day, so i can't really do that.

1 and a half if cereal counts.

There's no way I'm going full days without eating something.

I mean, I'm losing weight but I don't really want to fuck with my blood sugar and metabolism like that.


I thought about keto but I like carbs too much.


There's no way I'm going full days without eating something.

I mean, I'm losing weight but I don't really want to fuck with my blood sugar and metabolism like that.


I thought about keto but I like carbs too much.

i didn't know about keto

im looking into it, but i really don't think i can give up pasta or rice since those two things are what make up 70% of my meals for the week lol.

how much weight are you planning on losing?

i dont really know of any advice tbh, my biggest problem with losing any weight was that i was working out, but i would always drink atleast two sodas every day

almost always more + i was a neet for a while.

im pretty sure i cut off some of my lifespan with that, but once i stopped drinking so much soda, and focused on eating til i was a little full instead of super full,i started losing weight really quickly.

i still drink soda, but not more than one a day, and a lot of water + orange or apple juice.

i stopped smoking too, so maybe that helped.


I'm trying to lose a lot of weight, I already know everything I need to do, I lost a hundred pounds before but I stopped giving a shit about life and became a NEET for a while and ballooned back up. I've lost 20 pounds already but that's just a drop in the bucket.


Ketogenic diets also have a nasty reputation of causing ketoacidosis if you keep up too long. Also the first week you start you'll have bad sleep and sweat a lot and your breath and sweat will smell like fruit from the ketones in your blood.


It's a good way to burn fat fast but it's risky.


I'm trying to lose a lot of weight, I already know everything I need to do, I lost a hundred pounds before but I stopped giving a shit about life and became a NEET for a while and ballooned back up. I've lost 20 pounds already but that's just a drop in the bucket.

i'd imagine it probably gets easier as you keep going and your body adapts to the constant weight loss.

you could try juicing +soylent to replace one of your meals, but i like eating too much to ever do that.


i'd imagine it probably gets easier as you keep going and your body adapts to the constant weight loss.

you could try juicing +soylent to replace one of your meals, but i like eating too much to ever do that.

What I did before worked just fine. Just watching calories, cutting sugar and making sure to eat more quality nutrition.

I was lifting weights before and that helped a lot but I've got a job that keeps me on my feet and active all day so that's doing a lot for me.

I should quit smoking again though. I've gone through four cigarillos today and that's not good.


What I did before worked just fine. Just watching calories, cutting sugar and making sure to eat more quality nutrition.

I was lifting weights before and that helped a lot but I've got a job that keeps me on my feet and active all day so that's doing a lot for me.

I should quit smoking again though. I've gone through four cigarillos today and that's not good.

i wonder what kind of exercising lets you cut weight fastest.

not ufc fighter suicide things, but like cardio, weightliting or just crossfit.

if you think about it, smoking actually is like working out your lungs.

they have to use more energy, so you can probably also lose weight that way. i never tried that though, i was always paranoid i was gonna lose my sense of taste.


Nicotine, like all stimulants, does increase your metabolism slightly, but not really enough that you could lose a lot of weight just from using it.


From my research and experience, generally speaking, any form of cardio is going to burn more calories at a time than weight-lifting. A 30 minute run is going to burn more than a 30 minute walk, but aerobic exercise burns more calories faster. If you're a powerlifter and you deadlift 600 pounds as your normal workout then that might change but that's an extreme example.


The thing about lifting weights though is that as you build muscle, it takes more energy to maintain that muscle mass, so your body will have a higher resting metabolism. If you're losing fat that's a good thing, but if you're trying to build and maintain muscle then you'll have to eat more.


In the end, it's good to do a little of both, but intense cardio gives you more bang for your buck. If you ever go on /fit/ don't fall for the "cardio kills gains" meme, only noobs and hungry skeletons believe that nonsense, it's more complicated than that.


Lifting heavy weights burns the most calories per hour. But not good to do if starving yourself. If you eat 2000 calories and lift for an hour everyday you'll lose fat & gain muscle. & the more muscle u gain the more calories you burn when u lift.


you definitely gotta eat a lot just to keep up with the work load that comes with weight training.


Ketogenic diets also have a nasty reputation of causing ketoacidosis if you keep up too long. Also the first week you start you'll have bad sleep and sweat a lot and your breath and sweat will smell like fruit from the ketones in your blood.


It's a good way to burn fat fast but it's risky.


fyi your body produces ketones whenever it burns any fat for energy.

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