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is it more dangerous to drive in hurricane-tier rain or blizzard snow?

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I just slow way down and pull into the slow lane, it's cool as long as nobody tries to crash into you.


I tried driving in snow once. I doesn't really snow here. Damn near spun out three different times. Couldn't see shit. Almost got stuck on a hill because I don't have snow tires. This was all in a half mile drive from work to home.


I've driven in both, and I don't like either. When you get to the point where you can't see the road and you're driving 20 or 30  below the speed limit to keep from sliding, they both suck.


the personal experience of driving in either is pretty much the same amount of suck concerning weather conditions. you can't see, its easier to lose control of your car. thats just taking myself, the road, and weather conditions into consideration.


however, for where i live, i would have to say blizzard. i say that only because if you were to add traffic, here that is a problem. every asshole with 4wd in Michigan believes they are somehow impervious to the most extreme winter weather and cause accidents like crazy. you see far far less of this in even just a really bad rainstorm.   


depends . are you from down south and have no idea what fucking ice on a road is?


Depends. Are you from up north and have no idea what fucking hydroplaning is?


It's what happens when it's raining really hard; you can actually wind up riding on a thin film of water, and your tires don't have any contact with the road. about all you can do is take your foot off the gas, and pray. St. Jude is most effective at this sort of situation, as well as St Dymphna (she's the patroness of the mentally ill, which you pretty much have to be in order to be driving in those conditions.)

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