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I often think generationally. The touchstones of one set of people born between a certain set of 15 to 20 years feels completely differently (generally) then another set born in another time period.

So I’m asking as a geriatric millennial, do most generations love Halloween? It feels like THE holiday for millennials, more than any other. It’s pretty weird, but also totally expected. We’re getting to or at middle age, and we wanna feel like kids again.

So like, @tsar4 as whatever gen you are, is Halloween a big deal?

And are there literally any young people that post here?

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Never was.  I think the last time I legitimately did a costume was 1973, because it was required for entry to the skating party.  Prior to that, I think I only did it twice - it was either always rainy or I was sick.

Edit: FYI Boomer/Gen Jones

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I posted a few weeks back that Halloween is the only holiday that I get a lot of enjoyment out of by doing very little. I only do three every October, watch MST3K horror movies, play horror themed video games and listen to Halloween themed music. That's all I need to and I don't feel the need to go all out with decorations and other things to get any milage out of Halloween. And plus just doing those three things costs me 0 dollars. 

Edited by Dusty Shackleford
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  • 4 weeks later...

gen x. and i've loved halloween my whole life. 

right now, i'm making a mask for the boy. he wants to be 'seeker' from a game/doors, so, i paper mache'd a giant head. working on the eyeball tomorrow. and paint tuesday, wed. (cutting it close)

got the yard all lit up. 

candy, for NO ONE. (country)

i get quite vocal in stores about them putting out christmas before all hallows eve has even passed.

and look. how could you NOT love dia de muertos? i might have time to make a garnishment of flowers for misa-mo. she has the mums over her little grave. 

tl:dr - yeah...i guess halloween is ok. 

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4 hours ago, SwimOdin said:


Wow, this is amazing. I used to live on those boards in the aughts, especially General, I think? I ended up here on a Google search looking for places similar to the AS message boards when a wave of nostalgia hit me.  It's so wild to see you and some other names I recognize from those times, it feels good. 

Do you remember that photo album we did of everyone's IRL pictures? Always wondered what happened to that. My pic was humiliatingly emo.

On-topic, I like the general vibe of halloween, but my and my partner definitely don't do a lot. We odn't really dress up. We put up a few interior decorations but nothing crazy. If we were in a closer-knit community I might go a little further for it, but can't muster up the inclination lately.



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